Major Bang Amnesty post

Dec 04, 2012 14:04

Title: Art cover for "It's Were, not Werewolf" by mandykaysfic
Artist: eriah211
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Evan Lorne/David Parrish
Rating: PG
A/N: Created for the Major Bang 2012 at slashing_lorne. Unfortunaltely mandykaysfic couldn't finish the fic in time for the Major Bang, but I hope she like my art and that we get to read her fic soon.

Summary: Parrish discovers Lorne's secret - he is a were, changing sexes when he orgasms. Can Parrish live with that? Expanded from mandykaysfic's fic 'W is not exactly for Werewolf', found here.

(Link to the art cover)

artist: eriah211, art, major bang

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