Attention Mod Post

Jul 19, 2012 10:19

Morning =)

A update first with the good news. Thanks to clwilson2006 Major Bang will commence look for sign-ups this weekend. Quickly it's a mini-bang with a minimum of 5k with rough drafts due Sept 17 and final posting starting Nov 1. Details of rules, FAQ & full schedule will posted this weekend.

Seriously big cheers to clwilson2006 please offer her your support.

Second, I created the journal lorne_mod where clwilson2006 and myself will post under this user name for all future challenges. I created this to avoid delays, this way if a Mod gets snagged by rl events the other can keep things going. Including editing a challenge post etc... IE I posted Summer of Lorne Fest under Denyce, if and when rl prevents me from responding in a timely manner, you and the other Mods are stuck waiting on me.

I created Slashing_lorne simply because I adore the character. I seriously don’t want to see the comm flounder just because my life is going off the deep end. My hope is everyone who loves Lorne will keep things going by actively participating or if you’re a lurker to de-lurk and offer fb - cheerlead those who are posting Lorne media via fics, icons, and art on new or older works.

In regards to the Fest, keep going if I get behind, don’t worry, you want a prompt go for it, post and take another. I will be around and do my best to catch up!

Most of these changes came about because personally things are rocky; Mom does have lung cancer and its stage 3. Meaning she'll be starting aggressive radiation/chemo therapy very soon. Your good thoughts are welcome, but please let’s keep the comm healthy by staying active =)

If you have any q’s ask here or pm me under denyce

Thank you!
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