Fic: Connecting the Dots 2/19; AU; NC-17 (sex, language)

Mar 22, 2012 03:24

Title: Connecting the Dots: Chapter 1 - 2/19 (completed)
Chapter Pairing: Evan/Daniel Jackson
Chapter Rating: NC-17
Chapter Word Count: 3572
Chapter Summary: Evan's career is threatened & Daniel checks up on Evan's progress with the Unas.
Chapter Notes: takes place around SG-1 episode Enemy Mine
Notes: Connecting the Dots is a look at Evan's journey throughout Stargate. Overall it's approximately 38,000 words, with chapter ratings mostly hovering between PG-13 and NC-17. I began this some time ago (>1 year) and it was initially betaed by
fififolle and
whytewytch4 who provided great feedback on plot, punctuation and a host of other issues. (Thanks!) Any remaining issues are completely attributable to me.

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author: spacedogfl, pairings: lorne/other, rating: nc-17

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