12 Days of Lorne - Day 10 - Fic: AU

Dec 23, 2011 23:02

Title: The Prince and the Druid's Apprentice
Rating: K+
Pairings: Lorne/Parrish
Spoilers: none
Warnings: AU
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I write this for fun or something, make no money, etc.
Wordcount: 4088
Summary: Prince Evan is unhappy, until he meets his true love.
Author Notes: Written for the 12 Days of Lorne at
slashing_lorne, wishing for an AU... Inspiration from Merlin and
lsellersfic and probably
rinkafic for having so many 'verses :) Also, this fic ended up having quite a bit of unintended innuendo, which amused me. I suppose that's what you get when you call a horse 'Ronon'.

( +The Prince and the Druid's Apprentice )

12days challenge, rating: pg, pairings: lorne/parrish, granted wishes- 01, author: fififolle, 12days-04

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