Zone Outs (Lorne/Parrish, PG, SGA)

Jul 05, 2011 21:50

TITLE: Zone Outs
AUTHOR: sexycazzy 
FANDOM:  Stargate Atlantis/The Sentinel fusion
CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: Lorne/Parrish with background McKay/Sheppard
SUMMARY: Dr David Parrish has heard stories about sentinels and guides from his grandmother and has always thought that they were a myth...until he met one Major Evan Lorne.
WORD COUNT: 2, 354 words
WRITER'S NOTES: For Week Five 'sense' at sga_saturday 
DISCLAIMER: the recognisable characters doesn't belong to me but to the shows they belong to :(

Beta~ed by the lovely fififolle and esteefee - without their comments, I would've not posted the fic as I have not seen the tv show, The Sentinel but has read a lot of SGA/NCIS with crossovers or fusions with the Sentinel. Thank you!

All other mistakes and errors are all my own! All comments/feedback are welcomed & loved! (as long as they are positive criticism!)

His smell was zoned on a particular flower. He didn’t acknowledge any other presence around him. He was so zoned on that flower, smelling the strong aroma and pollen from only that one flower. He wanted to go to it, but found himself unable to move. His feet stuck still to the floor - his heart beating fast, and his arms felt like jelly. He was so zoned into that flower…and then he felt a hand on his shoulder and that was when everything went boom… )

pairings: lorne/parrish, author: sexycazzy

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