(no subject)

May 09, 2011 01:37

Lurker coming out of the woodwork to share.

Title: Pound it Out

Series: SGA

Characters: David Parrish, Evan Lorne

Pairing: Parrish/Lorne

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 2,446

Warnings: Slashie Porn

Notes: Written on a lark for clwilson2006  because she made me giggle, and she squished Landry (which sounds like laundry, which I hate so I've always disliked him by association) Oh, and she answered a ton of annoying questions from a pesky noob, which I guess is the real reason.  I hope she is amused.

Synopsis: David Parrish is in a very bad mood.

It had been a bad day. It had been a really, truly horrendous day, to be sure. First, he had slept through the alarm and missed Evan getting up to go on duty, so no morning snuggles, snogs, blowjobs or quickies, all things that made David very happy in his life. Then, he had arrived at the greenhouse, or attempted to get there, only to find that all access to the entire wing had been revoked and he couldn’t get in to do his actual work or projects for the day.

There was some kind of glitch in the Atlantis fire detection and suppression systems, and Doctor McKay had unilaterally closed off the whole wing until it could be repaired, his reasoning was that the botany department didn’t want the system going off and drenching the planting beds and benches with fire dousing chemicals, or worse, having someone set off an alarm and inadvertently flooding the whole bay with salt water.

It had taken a personal visit to McKay’s lab and a full blown temper tantrum to get him to reluctantly grant Parrish access to the greenhouses long enough to manually water the plants each day, but McKay assigned a pair of marines to follow him to make sure all he did was water the plants and then get out. Unfortunately, David’s Doctor Rodney McKay Voodoo Doll ™ was shoved deep in the drawer of his work bench, jute wrapped around his neck with a planting stake jabbed through his midsection from the last time McKay had made a unilateral decree over the science team, and he doubted the marines would allow him to retrieve the stress relief toy.

Since three teams of scientists were displaced by the glitch and wandering around without specific projects to do, Woolsey had pulled out The List and assigned them all to temporary gate teams. The List was the backlog of planets that had been deemed unworthy of exploration by one of the primary gate teams, but still of minor interest for a team to go back to ‘later.’ It seemed ‘later’ was today, as decreed by Richard Woolsey.

Already in a bad mood by the time his name was read out, David’s day just got worse when he heard the other names on his team. Doctor GeeGee Ollisoo, a geologist just off the Daedalus, had just barely passed the “How Not to Get Killed in Pegasus” course administered to all new arrivals by Sheppard, Lorne and Ronon. Evan had been a raving lunatic for the past four days about how dense Ollisoo was, and how the man was going to get himself or someone else killed offworld.

Their marine escort for the mission was Captain Cadman. Cadman rarely had anything good to say to Parrish. Their conversations were usually one sided and limited to the phrases, “Are you done yet?” “You’re falling behind again, Doc!” “Are your feet made of lead, Parrish?” and his least favorite, because it usually meant he had run out of time for study, “We’re losing the light here!”

He could have tolerated those two, he could have used Ollisoo as a buffer to distract Cadman for the day and it would have been fine. But Woolsey had assigned them Chuck. Damned fucking Chuck the Canadian Mafioso from Operations was put on the team on the grounds that he needed more practical field time. Parrish disliked Chuck with a passion he usually reserved for weevils and mites. Chuck, the little weasel, had been taking a cut of every single black market item that had crossed through the Gate Room for the last five years. He’d made a fortune off David, and made no secret of it to those in the know about the booming undermarket on the base. Fucking Chuck. Parrish’s day was complete.

The planet they had been sent to, M76-766, was not even a proper planet. It was a moon. A deserted moon with an abundance of sulfer springs. In short, it stank. They had to walk quite a distance before they found the mineral deposit that had been noted by the initial team that had surveyed the place six months earlier. Then they had to go back, because Popo GeeGee-oh, as Parrish had started calling him in his head, had forgotten his basic sample and collection kits back in Atlantis. Nothing David had in his kit would suffice. So back to the gate they went.

And Chuck, fucking Chuck, kept his mouth shut every step of the way. The little brown-noser sucked up to Cadman and pretended to be the perfect little soldier. There was a long stretch of the path they had to walk along the edge of one of the springs; it was swampy at the outer edge, where the water was stagnant. The only thing Parrish found there to sample were some proteobacteria, which was fairly useless unless they needed a source of sulfuric acid in the future.   He made some notes and crouched down to sample it anyway. Campbell had come up behind him and leaned over his shoulder. “What’d ya find, Doc?”

Without looking up, and that would turn out to be his mistake, David answered, “An anaerobic bacteria that uses hydrogen sulfide as a reducing agent and therefor…” he didn’t finish. Whether by intent or accident, Chuck hip-checked him and sent David flying face first into the stinky stagnant water.

Exhausted, stinky, filthy and silently abused most of the day by the ‘cool kids’ club of Cadman and Fucking Chuck, David stomped through the Gate Room to the showers without speaking to anyone he saw along the way. He didn’t even spare a glance at the guards, which was out of character for him; he always attempted to be pleasant to the people protecting them all. It took three showers with the harsh chemical ‘special soap’ to get the sulfur smell off.

The lockdown was still in place, so he wasn’t able to go work off his pique in the greenhouses when he was cleared by medical to go for the day. It wasn’t often that David was this wound up. He was generally laid back. He rarely let anger get the better of him, but today, he was just pissed off, completely and totally pissed off and mad at the world.

“Doctor Parrish, we have a team code eleven.” Evan’s calm voice sounded in the comm in his ear, ordinarily, Evan’s voice would have eased his tension, but he really was in no mood for Evan’s games today. A code eleven was their own personal code for “I’m waiting, come back to quarters and fool around.”   Evan was the aggressive one in their relationship, and usually, David was perfectly content to let his partner lead, happy to submit to whatever made Evan happy.  Code eleven usually made David drop everything and go running. But he really wasn’t in the mood for Evan and his dominance games today. He just wanted… he didn’t know what he wanted. “Doctor Parrish, acknowledge.” There was a question in Evan’s tone. Was David turning him down?

“Yeah, yeah. Ten minutes” David snapped. He stomped his way to Evan’s quarters, and was annoyed anew when Evan wasn’t in them. “Damn it,” he hissed, running to the stairwell and down to the next level where his own quarters were, two corridors over. By the time he slammed his hand across the door sensor, he was panting and nearly livid. His heart was pounding in his ears, he was so riled up.

Charging through the door, he skidded to a stop when he saw Evan, standing beside the couch, naked. Without a word, Evan lightly tossed the leather padded cuffs they played with, the same cuffs that David had worn three nights ago in this same room. They bounced and landed at David’s feet. He was in the mood to rebel, to refuse and have a knock down, drag out screaming fight to burn off the negative energy he was drowning in. He was about to raise his foot to kick the cuffs back at Lorne when Evan gave him an odd look, a nod and then turned around and bent over the side of the couch, bringing his arms back and around and offering his wrists to David.

This was a change. David was mildly thrown by it, the rage had settled somewhat in the confusion caused by Evan’s actions. He bent to scoop up the cuffs and then approached his lover. Silently, he opened the first cuff, running his thumb over the soft fur that lined the leather before placing it over Evan’s wrist and fastening the buckles. He repeated the action with the other cuff. He debated for a few moments, but decided he didn’t want to move Evan, he was too wired, and this particular position would suit him just fine. He snapped the closure linking the cuffs together; Lorne wouldn’t be able to move his arms now, unless Parrish allowed it by undoing the restraints.

He had no intention of releasing them until he was finished.

David didn’t bother asking if Evan was sure about this. If he wasn’t sure, he wouldn’t have offered. He trailed his hands along Evan’s sides, over the firmly muscled cheeks of his ass. He looked so good like this, curled over the couch, his ass in the air, one cheek pressed into the couch cushion, beautifully submissive. He didn’t move his head to track David’s movements; he remained still, waiting, just as David had learned to do for him in the time they had been together, as Evan had trained him to do.

Trust. Evan had earned David’s long ago. It seemed somewhere along the line, David had earned his soldier’s trust as well.

He saw that Evan had left lube and condoms on the cushion of the couch, along with his uniform. Reaching over, he picked up the lube and made quick work of preparing Evan to be taken. He undid his belt, dropped his pants, kicked them away and rolled the condom into place, too impatient now to wait any longer. He bent over Evan’s back, and demanded harshly, “How hard?”

“As hard as you can. Pound it out, David.”

That was all he needed to hear.

He pressed the tip of his cock against the brown bud of Evan’s hole, pressing in slowly. Evan might trust him to play a little rough, had invited it, but David had no intention of hurting his lover; Evan had only been on the bottom a handful of times in the past, he wasn’t used to this, and David would not be rushed.

“Harder.” Lorne gritted out, trying to buck back a bit.

Parrish slapped the palm of his hand down on one cheek, and then repeated the action harder the second time, leaving a red handprint behind. “I’m getting to it.”

Inch by inch, he eased his way in. When he was fully settled, he grabbed the cuffs where they were joined, tugging slightly to force Evan to change position, raising him up slightly from the couch, so that his face was no longer mashed into the cushion. Evan hissed as David edged even deeper into him. David reached a hand around to caress and then pinch at Evan’s nipples. That made Evan wiggle a little in his grasp, he was sensitive there.

“That all you got? C’mon, harder.” Trust Lorne to be a pushy bottom. David gave a chuckle at the thought, gave another slap to the same spot on Evan’s ass and began to pull out. He went back torturously slow, deliberately. He was in a mean mood, after all. His first few thrusts were slow, as he let Evan adjust to being taken.

With a shove at the back of his head, he sent Evan face down again. And then he began to move. He gripped Evan’s hips, pressing his fingers so tightly that he could feel the bone beneath the muscle; tightly enough that Evan would have ten little bruise marks come morning to remind him of tonight. The position was perfect, he had the perfect leverage here to slam in and out of Evan’s body with as much force as he could muster. And he did. Evan’s grunts echoed his own as he fucked him.

“More.” Evan let out on a long groan. “Please. More.”

“Pushy. I should have expected that.”   David gave him more; in fact he gave him everything he had. He channeled all the feelings from earlier, all the anger he had pent up through the course of the day into the last few thrusts. He pulled Evan’s hips back so hard that Evan yelped as David’s pelvis slammed up against his ass. When he came, he poured all that rage out, deliberately letting it go, letting Evan take it, as he had offered to.

David pulled his softened cock out and slumped over Lorne’s back, panting and completely boneless. He made a feeble, halfhearted attempt to clean them both up, using Evan’s shirt that had been on the cushions beside the lube. Eventually, it might have been a minute, it could have been an hour, his lover began to shift beneath him. “Ow.” Evan mumbled. He tried to raise his bound wrists, succeeding in only chafing them against David’s stomach. “Ow,” he repeated with more force behind the complaint.

“Right, got it.” David pushed himself up and reached to undo the fastener holding Evan’s wrists together. Lorne immediately stretched his arms forward, shaking out the strain from being bound. When he seemed disinclined to do more than that, remaining slumped over, David reached one arm up under his belly and tugged him away from the couch. “C’mon. Bedtime. You had enough.” He turned around and pushed Evan across the bed.

“Don’t make me do ALL the work.” David complained when Evan made no move to arrange himself properly on the bed. It was a double bed, but a Lantean double, which was still fairly narrow. Evan groaned and rolled to make room for him.

Stripping out of the rest of his clothes, David dropped onto the mattress and gathered Evan to him. This was the time he liked best, when Evan was loose and squishy and let himself be manhandled and cuddled. Usually, it was the only time Evan was submissive, when he was sleepy and sated, tonight had been special.

“Why?” David mumbled against Evan’s hair as Lorne snuffled and buried his face against David’s neck.

“You needed it.”

So he had.

Lorne wasn’t completely asleep yet. “Feel’n better?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”

“Good. Night, David. Love you.”

“Love you too, Ev.”

The End

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