Title: It’s A New Road (You’ll Be Walking On Tomorrow)
padfootthegrimFandom, pairing: SGA, Lorne/Parrish
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,394
Author's Note: Written for
gblvr for the Slashing_Lorne fic exchange.
Disclaimer: If I owned Stargate Atlantis, it wouldn't be suitable for general consumption. Title borrowed from the song “Heart Wins Again” by Larry Zarella
Genres: AU, Romance, First Time
Summary: Detective Lorne stays with the girl in her hospital room, a kidnapping victim they’d found on accident while looking into an unrelated case. She’s shaken up and dehydrated, and her wrists are red from the rope burns. She’s Heather Parrish, ten years old. She’s awake, talking a little, and eating green Jello and macaroni and cheese while they wait for her family to arrive. They have her kidnapper in custody and Lorne’s still shaking with the need to punch something. He hates cases involving children; he’s glad he’s not going to be assigned to the case. He’s only here because he and his partner were the ones to find her, locked in the cellar and kicking at the door.
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