One hug is never enough ... Evan/Cam

Feb 28, 2011 17:23

There was a "hugfest" posted HERE

Because one hug is never enough, and Cam and Evan needed some love, too.

Stargate Atlantis/SG-1

What Love Is

Cam knows it doesn't always have to be about sex. Sometimes when Evan returns to Earth from Atlantis he looks just so shattered, so exhausted that Cam aches for him. He's pretty sure there have been times when Evan feels the same when he sees Cam.

This time, when Lorne opens Cam's door with his key, they just look at each other. Cam doesn't mind that Evan sees the bruises on his face, the cuts marring his skin. Evan is leaning on a cane, which makes Cam's eyes open wide. It hasn't been all that long since Evan nearly died from an infection in that same leg. He feels the color drain from his face.

Evan reaches out a hand that shakes slightly. His thumb caresses the bruise on Cam's cheek, his touch so gentle that Cam scarecely feels it. He catches Evan's hand, places a kiss in the palm. Suddenly, they are in each other's arms, just holding on for dear life.

"Are you all right?" Cam asks Evan; his voice a harsh whisper.

"I've been better." Evan's voice is muffled against Cam's shoulder. Cam hangs on, his arms tight around Evan's body. He can feel his heart beating against his chest, against his palm, and a faint shudder that runs through the muscles across Lorne's shoulders. Evan's arms are around Cam's waist, his palms are warm through the fabric of Cam's USAF sweatshirt.

Cam strokes lightly down Evan's spine, soothing and soft. "You want to tell me about it?" he finally asks.

"Maybe tomorrow. Right now ... I just need this."

This is what love is, Cam decides. Two people clinging to each other for dear life in the midst of chaos and pain. "Sure," he sighs against Evan's hair. "Me, too."

They stand like that for a bit longer, then they move to the sofa where they sit, still embracing. Evan's cane slides to the floor. Cam lets it lie there. Evan doesn't need that support. He has Cam's arms, Cam's shoulder, and Cam's big heart to see him through.

Cam can carry the weight of a few bruises for a while longer. When he needs Evan, he'll be there.

The End
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