Of Purple Pumpkins and Princesses (Evan/David, PG)

Oct 29, 2010 17:30

Title: Of Purple Pumpkins and Princesses
Author: somehowunbroken
Fandom: SGA/SG1
Characters: Evan/David, John/Cam
Word Count: 4,512
Rating: PG/utter cuteness.
Notes: Written for slashing_lorne's Halloween celebrationg; part of my kids'verse. Robbie and Angel are three, and boy, do they have their own ideas about what Halloween shoud be. Good thing they have everyone on Atlantis wrapped around their fingers.

Of Purple Pumpkins and Princesses, posted in my journal.

ETA: calcitrix drew what is possibly the most adorable thing ever to go with the story... look at it here! It's a bit spoilery, so I'd recommend reading first, unless you can't wait (I won't blame you at all) .:D

pairings: lorne/parrish, author: somehowunbroken, halloween frightnight- 01

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