Fic: The Future's Gonna Happen Anyway (SGA/Numb3rs, gen, G) by bergann

Dec 14, 2009 17:07

Title: The Future's Gonna Happen Anyway
Author: bergann
Fandom: Numb3rs/Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: gen (pre-slash)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1 073
Summary: Evan finishes high school with absolutely no idea what to do with his life. Actually, he finishes high school with a pretty good idea of what exactly it is he wants to do with his life, but the sudden need for glasses makes joining the Air Force impossible, and he hadn't really been thinking too much about a backup plan.
Disclaimer: fic•tion [fíksh'n]: literary works of imagination
Author's Note: For the slashing_lorne summerfest, I wrote Five Ways Evan Lorne and Colby Granger Never Started a Relationship. This is the backstory for the Evan Lorne in #3, and is written for slashing_lorne's 12 Days of Lorne.

Happy holidays, all! :D

12days challenge, 12days-02, pairings: lorne/other, author: bergann, xover

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