Perceived Freedom; SGA; Ronon/Lorne [13+]

Dec 12, 2009 16:52

Title: Perceived Freedom
Author: azure_chaos
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Character(s)/pairings: Ronon Dex/Major Evan Lorne
Rating: 13+
Spoilers/Warnings: Domination/submission, reference to off-screen assault.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate: Atlantis or the characters/plot, no money has or will be made by this fic.
Summary: When Evan Lorne is captured while off-world, Ronon Dex is ready to make someone wish they had never been born.
A/N: Written for a prompt by lothy on my lj (for consci_fan_mo), who wanted Stargate Atlantis - a rare pairing (maybe something like Ronon/Lorne but it's up to you) - publicly showing submission. 1736words.

Perceived Freedom

12days challenge, 12days-02, pairings: lorne/ronon, author: azure_chaos

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