Fic: Exhale. SGA - Lorne/Sheppard. 18+

Dec 31, 2008 19:29

First post and I come baring kink!fic :)

Title: Exhale
Author: azure_chaos
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne/Lt. Col. John Sheppard (there’s just not enough of it)
Rating: 18+
Type: One-shot. 1260 words. Complete: 31st Dec 2008 - Happy New Year.
Kink/Warning: Anal, BDSM, Breathplay, Slash.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the cuteness that is John Sheppard or Evan Lorne and I don’t own the Stargate franchise. I’m only playing, no offence intended and no money made.
Summary: Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard thought he knew how to breathe, he’d been doing it all his life after all.
A/N: For “anonymous” who wanted Lorne/Sheppard and shared breath for this challenge, hope this does it for you :o)

(sorry - crossposted all over the place)


author: azure_chaos, pairings: lorne/sheppard

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