Waoh like 20 people have done this between when I started typing this up at work and when I got home to finish it.
Like Hakuren, I'm going to do the "me" portion first, because it informs everyone else's answers:
Me: Okay, so, one thing that I've had to get used to about myself and my ability to play is that I go through pretty frequent downswings, where I have zero energy and I don't want to do anything but stare at the wall and make muuuuu noises. I imagine this happens to everyone!
But I have a compounding issue: Now, my laptop is an extremely nice piece of equipment, a 19" MacBook Pro and I love him a lot. He is fast and high powered and wonderful. Unfortunately, as some people might remember, his keyboard is only half-functional, due to having a cup of cocoa tipped into him last fall. Usually this isn't a problem, since I use my computer primarily for art-related reasons, and I have an external USB keyboard for when I need to type. However, because my laptop is decidedly not actually lap-sized, and the keyboard is likewise a full-size keyboard, arranging both the computer and the keyboard in my lap is sort of an adventure -- at best I manage something that is precariously balanced and pretty uncomfortable, both for my back and for my wrists (which some might also remember are pretty bad to begin with). I do have a desk I could sit at, but that would put me allll byyyyyy myyyyyyyseh-eh-heeeelf in the bedroom, alone and sad, while Ed and Graham hang out in the living room. And honestly I am not into that |D
Obviously I have been making this less-than-ideal set-up work for near on a year now, but that doesn't mean it's terribly fun. Getting everything arranged is a hassle! And usually I can't manage to do it for very long before I get too uncomfortable and have to drop the thread for the evening. And when I'm in a downswing it's really prohibitive; often I just... don't bother. Which means I don't thread, even when I kind of want to! And that's very sad, not only because then I get all fussy, but also because it means I miss out on events and chances to play with people. And then I get further sad about my lack of play and I snowball into a big pit of whininess, apparently, if the end of this paragraph is any indication! \o/
I will hopefully be getting a new computer sometime soonish -- one that fits in my lap and has a working keyboard -- but it is at the whims of my father, who honestly has more important health-related things to think about right now and has always been a bit of a flake besides. So it could be months, I don't even know.
moving on.
IC: Mostly good! Still sad about Ed leaving, but coping okay. Still surprised something really terrible hasn't happened lately. Resigned about the mistletoe, unless it's Anemone and then he's sort of happy about it.
OOC: Sometimes I feel like Capell is boring, and then I play him and remember why I love him so much. Sometimes I feel like I want to canon update him, but then I remember that a lot of what makes Capell unique, and the most fun for me, goes away after his canon update.
Chance of Dropping: 1/10; it might happen, but it's extremely unlikely.
Plans: Get out and meet new people! Catch up with the people he already knows.
IC: Is excited about all the new superheros in camp, and is happy about the new friends she's made recently. Doing pretty well.
OOC: Secret is doing well because I am actively avoiding having her acknowledge a lot of drops -- Secret canonically does not cope well with anything that could be perceived as abandonment, and I really, really do not want to play that Secret for longer than one post. It would be tiring and ultimately not sustainable. So it's probably a little irresponsible of me, but she's just... pretending she doesn't know, more or less. I feel bad, but I want her to remain playable, because I really love her.
Chance of dropping: 3/10? She's not my primary the way Capell is, but she's super comfortable to play and I always have such fun with her.
Plans: Be Evil!!1 for the span of one post, with Mary Marvel. Then stop. Body switch her into her brother. Find more reasons for her to be temporarily solid.
IC: Sort of bored, but only a little. Enjoying talking to people. Has a naggling inner itch about thing Things That Need Doing back home, but realizes there's very little he can do about this.
OOC: David is also super fun for me to play, and very comfortable. He's the only person I have with a voice like that, and it's a lot of fun. I can't play him very well when I'm tired though -- he ends up too formal. David is formal, but also has moments of not.
Chance of Dropping: 4/10 -- I'm not as comfortable with him as Secret, but I love playing him and I love his relationships. That number would probably go up if Rush dropped, because it'd feel weird to have him without Rush, but he'd probably manage if he had to.
Plans: Keep an eye on the lions, get out more, meet people, etc.
IC: Is pretty content. All her friends are here and things are going well. Kind of awkward with Chie though :x
OOC: Yukiko is the further from my usual type of anyone I've ever played. She's so normal and quiet, comparatively, and so she's sometimes difficult for me. But I do have fun playing her, and the Persona cast are all extremely rad people.
Chance of Dropping: 4/10. I'm pretty content, honestly.
Plans: Cook terrible things with Chie. Actually get out and meet people. Actually finish coloring the rest of my icons and upload them >->;
IC: Is how he always is. Kind of zen and keeping an eye out for his own interests.
OOC: I haven't gotten to do much with Yeager yet. Honestly the first threads I tried to have with him were about 20 minutes after I found out my father was in the ER, so he started out probably pretty wobbly and crappy. And I haven't done much with him since. But he's a lot of fun, so. Yes. It'll happen.
Chance of Dropping: 1/10 he is brand new :(b
Plans: Actually do something! Bother Raven a lot. People watch.