Themes and changes

Dec 20, 2016 20:13

I've changed this journal's theme. Third one in 10 years. [Well. Considering I was afk for most of the last 5 years, maybe that's not so surprising.] It just felt like time for some freshness.

Learned a week ago I've been re-accepted into a professional training program I had to drop out of [about the same time I went afk]. So excited, and somewhat anxious, because money/health/whatever, but have confidence that as a way is needed a way will open: I just need to keep myself open to it. More on this later- I'm probably going to friends-lock those entries, just to keep the professional side of my life minimally more isolated from fandom.

Speaking of fandom, the 15th anniversary of Fellowship has brought all sorts of things back to life, including my looking for and finding fics written for exchanges and communities. Anything I had ever saved off-line is in the dust of an old computer two computers ago. If there are any fics of mine that you've liked, saved, or been given by me, would you do me the favor and link me? The urge to write is surfacing [hope springs eternal] [and there's an oblique Aragorn reference that's only moderately porny] [hehe] and I'd like (?) to look over some of the old works.

Many good thoughts to one and all in these trying times. As much as you can, hang on to Sam's elven rope and Galadriel's golden hair; carry a jar of dirt; and may the Force be with you.

lotr, education, potc, health, fanfic, star wars, friendship

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