1) anat baniel method training segment awesome. srsly, if you have back/neck/joint/shoulder/ankle/hip/general pain and soreness, this is amazing. not a cure-all, no, but definitely worth investigating on your own, and not on my say-so.
2) must win lottery. or at least a year's worth of income. tired of not being ahead a bit. sucks donkey balls that the state of the economy means that the agency i work for can cut our wages 10% and there's no recourse. 'well, it's the reimbursements from the government got cut, so we have to cut too.' oh, f! all y'all. you hurt my mind.
3) must get regular schedule of some kind. *ponders*
4) miss fandom/friends/posting/writing like hell. love being busy and keeping mind busy and so on, miss friends.
5) will go do abm lesson now, to ease bit stiff back, from lifting/repositioning the gentleman. notice: bit stiff, not *oh!Fuck!i can't do this anymore!*. minor miracle.
recs? pics? gifs? anything? xoxo
oh! and bookshop [link in front page of journals, all] still open.
http://slashfairy.dreamwidth.org/599416.html |
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