silly english [rev. march 17, 2010]

Mar 17, 2010 03:39

withdrawal: removal
withdrawl: drawl like a country and western singer
withdrool: how you wake up after a really deep sleep

taut: tight
taunt: tease
taught: past participle of "to teach", as in, "She taught me how to recognize homonyms."

it's: it is
its: owns whatever it's used with

bunny's: belongs to the bunny
bunnies: more than one bunny

canon: what's known as the *body* of a story
cannon: what's on the deck of a ship and shoots (apparently) the Quaker Oats guy
fanon: what fans know about the rest of the story
fannon: when fans shoot shit about canon and fanon

will add as things that either bug the shit out of me come across my path (words confused with other words, grammar, punctuation stuff) or words that come to me out of the caves of wordplay in my head traipse across my keyboard.

adding 'taught' to above

your: one that belongs to you
you're: short for 'you are'

loose: not tight
lose: what will happen if your belt is loose: lose your pants
(loose with a soft 's'/lose with a hard 's' or 'z' sound)

breath: noun- what we breathe
breathe: verb- act of taking breath

site: place, as in web-page, or shop, stadium, crossroads
sight: see or view, as in "I caught sight of a sign at the site."

faze: to frighten or to cause hesitation in someone
phase: 1. period of time, discrete state of matter.
2. effect of a fictional weapon from Star Trek.

education, learning, attention, words, fun

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