those christmas/new year's meme thingies
In 2009,
slashfairy resolves to...
Eat more downtides.
Go to the indigolands every month.
Take evening classes in travel.
Cut down on my nursing.
Volunteer to spend time with openatticnights.
Put fifty ainsoph15s a month into my savings account.
"> and
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
slashfairy sent to me...
Twelve nverlands drumming
Eleven poetic_selfs piping
Ten xchasingtailsxs a-leaping
Nine tweedle_s dancing
Eight stormatdusks a-milking
Seven alliwantisanelfs a-nursing
Six shegollums a-writing
Five ri-i-i-innuninnus
Four kyrillions
Three foxrafers
Two snapchallenges
...and a language in a poetry.