US/Canada border guards- madness on either side

Dec 12, 2009 07:11

Canadian author assaulted by US border Patrol, left out in snowstorm in shirtsleeves
from fanthropology signal boost by fabricdragon

Bad news for attempting to get any authors across the border right now......

The Canadian author Dr. Peter Watts was arrested on charges of "assaulting a federal officer" after large groups of border patrol swarmed his car. refused to tell him why, refused his requests for legal council, and kicked and beat him. His story HERE, another story and means of contributing to his legal defense HERE.

The US border patrol, apparently thinking Canadians have anti freeze in their veins, graciously allowed him to be released in Canada the next night.... minus all his belongings, his phone, his car , his computer, his notepaper.. and his coat.
in a snowstorm
after public transit shut down
and without notifying Canadian police or anyone that maybe they should pick him up to keep him from freezing to death, hmmm?

he will have to travel BACK to the united states to deal with the federal assault charges, which could lead to him being fined, jailed, and banned from the US
i am sure that right now he finds the idea of never traveling across this border again to be such a loss.

Frankly, if this isn't dealt with, and fast, i rather expect to see a lot fewer authors willing to cross into the US to attend conventions and etc...
Boost the Signal

NPR/PBS' Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!) grilled by Canadian border guards re: 2010 Olympics
U.S. journalist grilled at Canada border crossing
Officials demanded to know what she would say publicly about 2010 Olympics
Last Updated: Thursday, November 26, 2009 | 5:01 PM PT Comments712Recommend641
CBC News
U.S. broadcaster and author Amy Goodman said she is concerned a journalist would have to undergo an interrogation while trying to enter Canada.

U.S. journalist Amy Goodman said she was stopped at a Canadian border crossing south of Vancouver on Wednesday and questioned for 90 minutes by authorities concerned she was coming to Canada to speak against the Olympics.

Goodman says Canadian Border Services Agency officials ultimately allowed her to enter Canada but returned her passport with a document demanding she leave the country within 48 hours.

Goodman, 52, known for her views opposing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, told CBC News on Thursday that Canadian border agents asked her repeatedly what subjects she would cover at scheduled speaking engagements in Vancouver and Victoria.

'You're saying you're not talking about the Olympics?'-Canadian border agent

Goodman said she told them she planned to speak about the debate over U.S. health care reform and the wars in Asia.

After much questioning, Goodman said the officials finally asked if she would be speaking about the 2010 Olympics.

"He made it clear by saying, 'What about the Olympics?'" said Goodman. "And I said, 'You mean when President Obama went to Copenhagen to push for the Olympics in Chicago?'"

"He said, 'No. I am talking about the Olympics here in 2010.' I said, 'Oh I hadn't thought of that,'" said Goodman.

"He said, 'You're saying you're not talking about the Olympics?'"

"He was clearly incredulous that I wasn't going to be talking about the Olympics. He didn't believe me," Goodman said.

The CBSA declined comment on the incident Thursday.

Goodman said her car was searched and the officials demanded to look at her notes and her computer.

Goodman is best known as the principal host of Democracy Now, a U.S. syndicated radio broadcast.

She was coming to Canada as part of a tour to promote a new book, Breaking The Sound Barrier.

"I am deeply concerned that as a journalist I would be flagged and that the concern - the major concern - was the content of my speech," said Goodman.

citizen's rights and responsibilities, journalism, political science, government, travel, economics, despair work, writing, ethics

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