'my' girl update, and moving

Sep 29, 2007 13:02

Keep your good wishes coming, like Tibetan prayer wheels.

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Just spin that wish when you walk by it, ok? no need to keep it going all the time, but spin it when you walk by. They're all helping. She's slowly more stable, they're slowly able to buy more time to figure out what's going on, how to best help it, and in the meantime she's more alert, more comfortable, every day. CAT scan on Friday was put off until Weds to let it be more near 10 days of big-time PICC line antibiotics.

So much STUFF. anyone else have 5 boxes of mailing envelopes they've saved to use over? with the price of postage, y'all ain't gettin' no letters or parcels from here for a coupla months. Whaddya wanna bet I can get more envelopes by the? heh.

No, seriously it goes well. I'm at that awful place where what I thought needed packing is packed, or given away, or tossed, and there's at least 20 more boxes worth of stuff. Well, maybe 15. The Gemstone Globe needs its own box. My box of things from Europe 2007 that I just can't bear to part with until the last minute. The dirty clothes/throw rugs/curtains/wall hangings. The videos/CDs I watch/listen to for sleeping. Karlbear and Orlibear. Oh, the bedclothes! and pillows!

So, you know. That stuff. But just gonna keep going. Have tomorrow, too, and already have a map for the movers, a floor plan for the new room AND a schematic of what goes where in storage so they can really help me get things put away properly. So. By Wednesday morning this'll all just be memories, this packing and stuff.

And in a bit of pimpology, DJ HenryM is back for another round at www.WBAR.org, with Do You Remember Rock'n'Roll Radio? [also available on iTunes as a podcast]. Highly recommended.

From Cotati, California- over and out!

wbar, work, prayer, move, help, music

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