Because my fl is all kinds of awesome

May 20, 2007 19:17

From trollprincess Joss Whedon is Made of WIN on the murder of Dua Khalil and our /right/ to do something about the attitudes, psychology and laws that make that kind of thing (in any form) all right.

From dorrie6 at emotionalperil a drabble that just /got/ me- i've been here recently- Imperfect Knowledge.

From a lot of places, happy pictures of a very relaxed Orlando and pretty relaxed Johnny at the D'land premiere of PotC:AWE last night.

And trueriver posted fine art today, too

and for all of you, much love. All right. that's all I got for now. xoxo

friends, women's personhood, citizen's rights and responsibilities, politics, philosophy, psychology, media studies, personal is political, women's studies, art, potc

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