tired as fuck, so to bed very soon. but.
may yet go to the godson's wedding, only. there's some rallying round going on in the family to help me get there. we'll see. no joy on any 'side' trips unless i'm suddenly the recipient of about $3000 USD free money.
car news- plugging along. know more by end of next week. looks good, but let's not jinx anything.
fam- no new word from mom but no sense anything's wrong up there, either, so going to wait til i'm more awake to call them.
school? well. still not done with child lit. wish i could just delete that course since it's not required. closer tho but still. hate stuff hanging over my head by my own fault.
stats- still med. C work. I think. we're getting to the more complicated shit (inference, anyone?) so we'll see if what i've done so far will carry me. if not, i'll retake stats AND Child lit in fall, and fuck it.
work: need to clarify with fam, hospice providers, and my agency whose orders take precedence, and where we actually are, in thinking to implement them. I /know/ legally what's what, but the fam needs to be on board too, so need the two agencies to talk. any change is hard- being the night nurse AND the only other RN besides the hospice case manager is challenging, too. communication is key and tricky to accomplish unless we work at it.
all of you: love you all, do read fl every day but commenting- not always.
go here:
Choice to read the story i wrote for
chocmarsh for the Legolas/Aragorn Fifth Anniversary Ficathon. My first time there- i was both intimidated and honored to be part of it. my lovely present was this art
Under Stars and Shadow by
romanse1 for which i will always be grateful in the awed way of someone who is not an artist.
xchasingtailsx, may not see you today. getting to bed late- quarter past 8 here- so may not be up til four, half four? sorry...