"It is essential not to confuse democratic forms with the democratic ethos..."

Feb 28, 2007 17:38

It is not too late to save the political process

Barry Jones
March 1, 2007
Fairfax Digital: The Sydney Morning Herald
for bringing this to my attention in his LJ">

In the 1980s ideology largely dropped out of Australian politics. Politics now offers a choice of management teams, and styles, and elections are about personalities and credentialism. Historically there has never been a time when incumbency has counted for so much, and oppositions for so little. The "majoritarian" view ("Well, we won, didn't we?") is based on a winner-take-all philosophy, an assertion that an elected government can claim a mandate for anything it wants - present or future, including retrospective justification, including issues that were not specifically put before the electorate, such as invading Iraq in 2003.

In this analysis, John Howard is an anomaly - he has a hard-line political, ideological agenda, including overturning what remains of the Whitlam agenda, winning the culture wars and reversing multiculturalism. He takes on unpopular issues (the GST, Telstra, Work Choices, Iraq) and - so far - he always wins.

Ideology has largely dropped out of politics, to be replaced by convergence. Oppositions have generally ceased to oppose, or propose an alternative basis for policy, and the concept that "there is no alternative" has been broadly accepted. Parliament has lost much of its moral authority and the public service has adopted the cult of managerialism and been increasingly partisan, committed to promoting the government "line".

Universities have been forced to become trading corporations, the media are preoccupied with infotainment, while lobbying and the use of consultants ensures that vested interest is more influential than community interest.

Public life is dominated by the black arts of "spin" and "framing": the concept of the dialectic in which alternative cases, based on evidence, are debated vigorously has become anachronistic. Appeals to emotion, especially fear and gullibility, and to immediate economic or cultural self-interest ("wedge politics") are exploited cynically and ruthlessly. Establishing the truth of a complex proposition (evolution, stem cell research, climate change, going to war in Iraq, industrial relations changes) is less significant than how simple arguments, once called "propaganda", can be sold.

Future historians may see the two centuries from the fall of the Bastille in 1789 to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 as an anomaly when it was possible to organise human affairs to secure agreed outcomes.

"Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!" had been proclaimed as the great objectives of the French Revolution in 1789. By 1989 liberty was being defined in a narrow and restricted way: as freedom to exploit and consume, but only within a society which was comfortable with itself, and liberty could be withdrawn arbitrarily from those considered to pose a real - or even a hypothetical - threat. Parties of the left no longer espouse egalitarianism. Now "Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!" has been displaced by "Materialism! Self-interest! Exclusion!"

The linguistic divide brings a wall of incomprehension between us and "the Other", who are then speedily transmuted into "the Enemy".

On October 21, 2001, the US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, in justifying use of executive power to restrict civil liberties, limit access to courts, restrict debate and cripple freedom of information legislation, told The Washington Post: "Many of the steps we have now been forced to take will become permanent in American life, part of a 'new normalcy' (sic) that reflects an understanding of the world as it is."

In this view, the "old normal", where decisions might have been based on evidence, analysis, reason and judgement, using techniques refined by the Enlightenment of the 18th century, had come to an end on September 11, 2001. The "new normal" depends on instant decisions based on "gut", "instinct" and "faith".

Open society, rational politics and a sceptical media have been largely crippled by 2001 and its aftermath. It is both difficult and painful to persuade citizens that they have an obligation to participate fully in the way their countries are run, and an even higher obligation as humans to contribute to the common concerns of our species, Homo sapiens sapiens.

It is essential not to confuse democratic forms with the democratic ethos: remember that Jesus lost a vote to Barabbas and Hitler won a free election. Democratic processes often produce inflammatory results. I want the political process to be revived. This will not just depend on parliament, political parties and voting. There must be a balancing process, with countervailing forces and creative involvement by intermediate bodies - for example, business groups and trade unionists, churches, environmentalists, a fearless judiciary, universities and other research communities, stronger and more diverse media.

Australia must make a commitment to restoring the primacy of reason, rejecting a paranoid view of history and "telling truth to power". As he lay dying, Tolstoy reaffirmed his commitment to rationality: "Even in the valley of the shadow of death two plus two does not make six." When Primo Levi was a prisoner in Auschwitz, he broke off an icicle and sucked it to relieve his thirst, until a guard knocked it out of his hand.

"Why?" he asked. The guard replied, "Here is no why". In too many of our public acts, there is no "Why?" Our democratic society depends on insisting on answers to the "Why?" questions.

Barry Jones is a former Labor federal minister. This is an edited excerpt of the eighth Manning Clark Lecture, which he is to deliver at the National Library tonight.

thinking, higher order thinking, meta, history, government, writing, philosophy

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