Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog entry about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names. For this, I blame
shegollum!! (with great affection, of course)
1. I sleep with three (soon to be four) teddy bears, who each represent someone very dear to me.
2. I look at everything around me through the lens of nursing and science, and equally through the lens of fantasy and science fiction, because I don't separate them. (The cardiac surgeons in the PICU I used to work in used to ask me to 'sprinkle a little fairy dust on their patients, because when I did, the kids did better, even if I wasn't their nurse.)
3. I'd rather eat with my fingers than utensils. I'm also very conscious about what other people have touched at the table; if they wipe their faces and then put their fingers in a bowl of fruit or something, I just won't have the fruit.
4. I go to sleep with a movie in the DVD player and the headphones on, every night. Usually watch (fall asleep to) the same movie for a week at a time, sometimes longer.
5. I like to read dictionaries for fun. Going from word to word through the history and geography and sociology of language is such an adventure!
6. I'm something of a synesthete. It's not consistently strong or active, but when it is, I hear colours, smell sounds, and feel sounds on my skin as sensations. Cool, hunh?
Ok Six People: I tag
japanpeterpan and