So people have been kind of DEMANDING I post some sort of rec list. I can't stick to individual stories, mostly, because there are far too many of those. But I can recommend authors, and this list will grow as I remember more:
First, my dearest friends who deserve it so fucking much. They don't need the qualifiers of being my friend at all; I was in love with them before I met them. ♥
And elsewhere (Tumblr) I have found writers who write THE BEST JESSE AND ANDREW EVER: Katie >> Cecily ♥ Jesse & Andrew
Then there are the anons at the tsn_kinkmeme , like banananonana (who seriously writes some of the BEST FILLS TO EVER EXIST). There's an anon doing Kiss by the Book, one of my favorite Jesse/Andrew AUs. There's a few anons doing ones I very much miss, like the one where Chris and Dustin are trying to sabotage Mark's relationship (not knowing it's with Eduardo) or the one where Mark keeps dreaming he's with Eduardo and waking up to a less than favorable reality. Not to mention the GLORIOUS fill with letters for its chapters where Eduardo fucks older men after the depositions and Mark does not like it. Or the one where Jesse catches Andrew wanking to him in a bathroom and they both freak and there's lots of lovely misunderstandings. GOD THERE ARE SO MANY THOUGH. I CANNOT TELL YOU THEM ALL. IT'D TAKE DAYS. Here are just a few of the ones from anons I'm following to the damn SECOND:
-Trouble is a Lonesome Town -One More Day Up in the Canyons... (hooker!Wardo AU) - call to me with words I never knew -Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks -Eisenbooks - SUMMER CAMP AU -Somnophilia -"not exactly a fill" -A Second Shot -(As I said) KISS BY THE BOOK -Sticking Pins in a Doll -(As I said) eduardo/thiel -Ghost in the Machine -Like a Spy Movie After the Cold War Ended -if i was awake or asleep -Appletini Delight - Jurassic Park AU -Untitled Prison AU -i don't want you to save me -If You'd Like to Ask Your Question Again -trajectories of partially-forgotten words -oh, for a life of sensations -my life will shut very beautifully -all the love (that never occurred between us) -(As I said) they said their nevers