THIS first. :)
It It'll be strange commenting on yours, because you and I know lots about each other to begin with. (I didn't know about your fears, though. XD.)
1. I have an alternate ego as well! Her name is Stella Crimson, and in my beginning stages of fanfiction writing, when I thought I was sexy just for knowing about sex (I was eleven, sue me.), I had the oddest tag line for her:
It was something along the lines of "I can look hotter fully dressed than you ever can naked."
Oh, and she misses Melinda! They should jump in somebody else's car and go have another adventure!
2. Yes, and it has nothing to do with other things...;)
3. I've never had a long term relationship, and I doubt I ever will. I know it sounds hokey and just lame and insecure, but I just can't see a guy or girl putting up with me long enough to consider it "long term".
However, in the grand scheme of things, I'd rather have first dates for the rest of my life with non-criminals than have your list. :P
5. I never have reoccuring dreams. Actually, my daydreams tend to be more adventurous than my dreams. The only good dreams I've ever gotten were always on holidays.
Ninth birthday, I dreamt I saw the Spice Girls tourbus (That giant Union Jack) in the rearview mirror of my grandfather's car.
Thirteenth birthday, I dreamt that this boy I liked (Marcus, I'll show you a picture sometime) was my boyfriend, and we jumped in a private jet after one of his friends kicked this girl I really hated in the crotch. It was a win-win. I got to French his gorgeous lips while her pained cries echoed after me. I really don't care if that makes me a sadist. She was a bitch.
My latest daydream was a kiss from Justin. TBC.
6. I haven't had a pet in two years. My grandmother's allergic to soft and cuddly. But if it's green and has a president on it, that makes her happy!
The last one I had: My 2nd Mama Kim's cat had kittens and this little silver grey one and I took a liking to each other, but it got sold. :(
7. I love the dark when I know that everything's locked or that I'm in a place with somebody who'll protect me. It feels like a blanket of secrecy.
But when I'm alone, especially in my grandmother's house or in my dorm, I hate the dark. The lack of sight puts you in such a heightened state of awareness that you start to imagine things. I SWEAR, on Halloween, the ghost whose eyes I painted and stuck on our dormitory door was tickling my feet when I stuck them out of a blanket!
And you can hear better in the dark too. That bothers me sometimes so much that I can't sleep because everything seems too loud or scary. That's probably (subconsciously) why I stay up till dawn. I feel better when the only thing that can get me is my grandparents. Though they're creepy enough sometimes. O.o
8. I don't really have any irrational fears anymore. I find it a perfectly rational to be scared at any moment that you can lose someone you care about. To be upset when somebody's late or doesn't call to cancel something just in case something happened to them. After what I've been through, it's inescapable.
Maybe my fear of the bathroom in the dark is irrational? I have to put my hand into a bathroom to turn the light on before I go into a bathroom or I seriously start freaking out. Oh, and I can't look into a mirror when it's dark either.
As for before? I used to have many. Once, I had a dream that my sister fell off of a loading dock into the ocean and drowned because I can't swim so I couldn't go in after her. It traumatized me for weeks, and I still can't go into deep water unless it's a pool.
When I was five, I used to freak out about getting down from my bunk bed in the middle of the night because THERE ARE SHARKS DOWN THERE. I wouldn't go to the bathroom unless I had a friend with me, and when I did, I'd try to jump from my bed on furniture until I got into the bathroom, and if I touched the floor, I'd scream. That's what happens when your mother leaves you with a babysitter who lets you watch JAWS at that age and you don't have a Mama's arms to curl up in while the shark eats people.
For the record: I still don't watch that movie. EVER. Don't try to get me to. I will run in the opposite direction.
9. I don't have a book that I read annually like that, but I have tons I reread over and over again. There's one called Realm of Possibility by David Levithan that really touches me. It's beautiful. There's another that has a certain scene that I always remember but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
There are a few Fear Street Books that still chill me, and I have them, so I read those.
The Thorn Birds is amazing, and I'm rereading it right now because I bet I can get more out of it now that I get things better.
Oh, and then there are romance novels. You know how particular I am about love stories, and there are some I like, some I don't. So romance novels I like, trashy and corny though they are, I reread. OVER and OVER again. If you ever want to know which ones to read, I'll gladly recommend. :)
Psst. Don't tell anybody, but I stole a few of 'em from a library once because I can't afford to buy them.
11. I don't think I have to tell you how unspoiled of a child I was. I still blink when people give me things and refuse things I don't feel I earned because my mother and now, her mother, have put it into me that I don't deserve something unless I've worked my ass off for it.
I had to clean the entire house (not just the area where it was hosted) when I would have a birthday party or sleepover.
I had to do the dishes before we would eat.
My mother told me when I was sixteen, she would stop buying me shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and clothes because I was old enough to get a job and buy it myself.
Explains my aversion and guilt when it comes to gifts, doesn't it?
12. I was raised on a combination of things. My mother loved country and oldies. So I know everything from the Bee Gees to Flashdance to Shania and Travis Tritt. I can quote from just about every eighties movie with memorable music imaginable, and I know every word to In Your Eyes, I've Had The Time Of My Life, Don't You Forget About Me, and Always Something There To Remind Me.
My father on the other hand, was hard into rock. I can remember sitting on his lap when I was a toddler and watching Guns N Roses music videos, rocking out to the SuperBowl halftime shows with him, things like that. He introduced me to the roots of rock.
When he got older, he went through a midlife crisis that hasn't ended yet, and got into rap and the usual crappy current music. I learned my likes in that that way.
I was raised in the nineties, being born at the beginning, so of course I love nineties music. Everything from Backstreet Boys to Pearl Jam, I'm talking. I sing to both, dance to both, and enjoy both. Nostalgia is a killer to music quality sometimes. (I know EVERY single word to Britney, Christina, Jessica, the works.)
And as for my recent deviancy deep into WAY classic rock, Beatles, Zeppelin, etc., part of it is to do with Dad, and I've always been a fan of good music, so since it's good, I love it naturally, but part of it is due to Jordan. He was deeply into classic rock and while I gave him reason to listen to modern, he gave me reason to listen to classic. So we exchanged, and I'm better for it.
I discovered HIM on my own, in 04 just before they hit it big in the US, on a FUSE catalog of videos called Loaded. The rest is history. ;)
TBH, I love a little of everything. Especially mellow. If it's cool enough to listen to over and over without giving me a headache, it's immediately loved.
16. *high fives* Cherry Coke sisters! The first time we talked we were both drinking it, and it doesn't change often, does it? Know how bad I'm addicted now? They shot cherry into regular Coke at my Denny's in Fredonia JUST so I could have it!
17. Man, I could tell you loads of bad contact stories. OR stories about bad, stupid, annoying, dangerous drunks. Hit me up, it'll take too long here. ;)
18. There are a few songs that make me cry. Most of them have to do with Mom. *cue Hurt by Christina Aguilera* Then there's a couple that have to do with old hurts. Like My First Night With You by Mya. I think I told you the story.
What else?
A couple movie themes.
The Right Man - Christina Aguilera
This Fortress of Tears - HIM. If you listen to it hard enough, it makes anybody cry. And I really have done that.
Please Remember - LeAnne Rimes.
Wish You Were Here - Incubus.
Come What May, from Moulin Rouge.
You'd think that Vitamin C's Graduation would make me cry, but the last time I heard it before I graduated was on class night, and the boys performing it were in plaid gowns and horrid wigs, so I just laugh at the memory.
19. *insert gigantic theatrical shudder over spiders* I would break my own bones trying to get away from a poisonous spider. Even the ones so small you can barely see them scare the shit out of me. It's arachnophobia, plain and simple. *applauds Fatty Pants*
20. I can with honesty say that my mother's smoking and drinking didn't ruin my birth. Or my siblings'. But our lives? That's another story.
21. I think that if you can beat somebody in a battle of wits, it shows more strength of character than a few blows ever will. Bruises fade, but the memory of being beaten by sheer intelligence and cleverness takes longer. :)
22. I've wanted a black rose on my ankle for as long as I can remember. Black roses don't exist, and fantasy has always been preferable to my reality, so that's perhaps one reason. Besides that I don't know.
I want the entwined hearts/snakes on the Sacrament cover to identify myself as a HIMaholic, and the heartagram somewhere, definitely.
Beyond that, I'm not sure.
23. I hate smoking. Smoking ruined my mother's voice and mine. It kept us always poor, because she spent so much money on them. And it made her sick all her life. If not for the car accident, I don't doubt it would have killed her.
24. My brother and I also have a very unhealthy relationship. He used to call me Ray-Ray when he was little, and we used to be very close. Now that Mom is dead and he's ten, I have to take on her role because my father is unfit to teach them anything, and it alienates him because he can't trust me to conspire with him against the adults anymore. My sister as well. It's a hard thing being a sister-mom-friend. >[
25. I have an obsession with snacks. It's hereditary. My mother once spent two hours yelling at me for eating her frozen Butterfinger pie, and I refused to budge because there was no other dessert in the house. She bought HERSELF pie but NOTHING for the KIDS? It was unheard of, and I think that's why I make my grandmother run out for every little whim of an empty calorie I desire. Take now for instance. I just ate Fruit Gushers and Chex Mix in one sitting. Sounds healthy. Fruit and Chex. IT ISN'T. I wish my grandmother would stop buying me 200 bucks worth of food and spend it on other things. Like my fucking tuition. Or the digital camera that was stolen from me, the only thing Jordan has ever put thought into when it comes to a gift. :(
26. My first experience making Kraft didn't turn out so well either, don't fret. My sister and brother wouldn't stay out of the kitchen and were being brats, so while I was yelling at them, it burnt. :(
Since then, however, it's to die for. I won't eat it unless I make it, because I'm the only one who doesn't wait for the sauce to thicken and leaves it liquidy and creamy. :D
Oh, and I only make the spirals. They hold it better. ;)
28. I left my number and a witty, personal message in every single yearbook I signed. I refused to sign it if I didn't know the person, because unless I had something worthwhile to say, I didn't want to blot up a page.
29. I rarely ever watch television. Mostly, my TV watching consists of what bits of Joss Whedon I manage to catch in the late night, Nick at Nite, FUSE, That 70s Show, and Sabres games. Beyond that, it's nothing. Ever. *shrug*
31. I've never really had anybody pass away, since my great grandfather about a year before my brother was born. Which is like, ten years or something.
That was UNTIL 2006. When they went, they all went together.
Thanksgiving? My dad's mom died. I hated her, but he was a wreck, and I hated losing her for that reason.
Christmas? My mother. Enough said. I don't think Christmas will ever be the same, and not just because I feel like a charity case without a mother to get me what I want or need. My mother put thought into her gifts. Some random church doesn't.
Spring Break? My dad's father.
I have great luck, don't I? My sister and I, in a laugh or cry situation there, decided that we're never leaving each other alone on a break, in case we're next.
32. *whew* I thought I was the only one! I'm a picky eater myself, and texture's a big one with me, yeah. Like, when I was a little kid, if I hated something, I'd just keep chewing it until it was like, soup, but if I left that soup in my mouth too long, it would make me gag from the texture.
I also used to wait for the adults to leave the room and fling vegetables and things I didn't like behind the shelves that held pans in the corner. Not only was it fun, it was secret! (Until we had to move.)
33. I do my best to call people by nicknames, but sometimes they just don't like it. I believe I have nicknames for all of my friends, and some of them are wild. I think you know what I'm talking about. And I have one for you, BonBon! :).