a drive-by, totally irrelevant b.a.p fic

Jan 17, 2014 23:06

Dropping off a K-pop fic here, because it insisted it was more important than my fest fics, and wouldn't let up until it was completely written.

I admitted my new obsession here; I may have failed to mention I was also writing fic for it. Interestingly, when I started this, there had been no news about any possible comeback (and Yongguk had most ( Read more... )

fic, the black hole of kpop, b.a.p

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Comments 12

lokaveroka January 18 2014, 15:07:20 UTC
wow, it feels real, only can wish that the boys are resting enough)
uhm... welcome to the fandom ?(>///<), we are so lucky to have such a good author:))


slashedsilver January 18 2014, 15:16:58 UTC
Hello dear, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your lovely comment and warm welcome ♥ I wasn't sure if anyone was reading this.

Our boys really seem to just keep performing and working and filming non-stop! Even when they're not promoting it seems that we keep getting new videos of the calendars they're making and the radio and TV shows they're going on. It's just my wish that they're taking care of each other and themselves :)


kapike January 20 2014, 17:48:45 UTC
I really, really, really enjoyed reading this. I love the way you wrote it and how they all acted with one another! So good!


slashedsilver January 20 2014, 18:28:27 UTC
I'm so pleased that you liked it so much! <3 It's my very first fic in this fandom, so I'm glad it worked for you! One of the things I love best about B.A.P is their camaraderie and how comfortable they are with each other. I wrote this in between watching a lot of their radio shows!


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slashedsilver March 9 2014, 15:54:58 UTC
Ahhhh thank you so much for your kind words! I absolutely love your fic ('Friends, Tonight' is one of my favourite Youngjae/Daehyun fics ever!) so I'm really glad you thought their personalities came through well -- I was rather new to B.A.P when I started the fic! Thank you so much for your encouragement! I do hope to write more, but increasingly I find myself wanting to read more in the fandom too :) I hope you're still writing too? :)


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slashedsilver March 11 2014, 00:20:25 UTC
Aww I'm so glad! :D I just had to bring fried chicken into the story somewhere!

has your opinion on any of the boys changed since you wrote this, as you've gotten to know more about them?
Funny you should ask that, because the more I get notifications about this fic and the more I get to see the boys, I'm beginning to feel I miscast Daehyun in this role XD I based it a lot on what I saw from things like Killing Camp and interviews all the way up to the Badman period, and back then I didn't realise how much of a prankster and sometimes how careless Daehyun can be. In fact, though Youngjae was cast as the 'betrayer' in Killing Camp, I think he might be a lot more of the caring type I cast Daehyun as. (I'm sorry, I wrote you an essay!)

But I'm curious about what you think, because you've been a fan even longer!

Ah I didn't realise that you had a new fic! I haven't read a Youngjae/Zelo fic before, so I shall bookmark it to give it a try! :D


ext_2526112 April 23 2014, 18:02:47 UTC
I love this fic so much, can I trans it into my language? I'll credit properly


slashedsilver April 24 2014, 03:14:24 UTC
Please go ahead! I'm so honoured that you like it enough to translate it :) I just request that a link to the original fic be provided, and author credits of course. Do let me know when it's done? I'd love to link to it here as well!


sparkzmxzxz June 16 2014, 12:14:09 UTC
lovelily(??) written. i worry a lot about the boys' health, but when they were here for their concert a while back my friend who is attached to the company that brought them in said that they looked pretty rested and were being fed well.


slashedsilver December 17 2014, 15:57:42 UTC
Thank you, dear, and sorry for my own late reply! Seems like we were worrying for a good reason... I've got my fingers crossed for B.A.P right now :( I'm so frustrated with TS, but least it looks like they'll stay together.


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