I will even sink to peep show

Sep 20, 2012 21:06

i actually like this one. i think i got their voices right. mark/jez obvs. a bit of man love but not particularly graphic. just after they flip the coin on mark's wedding day

“So… This is it then?” Jeremy stared at the tiny copper face in Mark’s hand. “The El Dude Brothers are over.”

“Best out of 5?”

‘Result!’ Jeremy hung on to a morsel of hope ‘Hesitation. A tiny crack of hesitation. All we need now is a figurative leverage implement to bust open this baby’

“Er Jeremy are you…?”

“You don’t want this do you? You know that if you go through with this you will be stuck for the rest of your life in a semi-detached hell hole on a middle class housing estate with… kids and a… dog, watching the… the fucking Coronation Street omnibus on Sunday mornings. For god’s sake Mark, you don’t even watch Coronation Street! Why would you do that to yourself?” ‘Shit. That’s not working, Mark would love that. Come on. More. Something edgy, shock him!’

“And you think I’d rather spend it in a run-down flat with my borderline simpleton best mate, listening from my own empty bed while he takes drugs and… and fucks someone else’s girlfriend”

‘Ok, here comes the leverage, here’s the magic baby’ Jeremy tilted his head inches towards Mark’s face ‘He’s like an animal, don’t move too quickly or you’ll spook him.’ He was close enough to feel Marks breath on his lips

“Er Jez what are you…? No Jez! Get off me! Get the fuck off me!” Mark could feel the unwelcome intrusion of Jeremy’s tongue, pushing at his lips. ‘Oh god! What’s happening here? This should feel so wrong but god help me it doesn’t’ for a split second Mark parted his lips and a delicious shudder of warmth sprinted down his spine, before he pushed away. ”Jeremy? What the fuck was that??”

‘Yes I felt that Corrigan! My lever’s well in. I’m jimmying it now. HA!’ “I’m sorry Mark. I can’t let you go through with this. I need you to stay with me…” ‘…Forever and load the dish washer and fill out my forms and go shopping… and look after me. I don’t want to be alone. God I’m having an epiphany. I’m like Mohammed in the cave. I’ve seen the light!’

Mark’s stomach was clawing at his throat. He could feel bile rising and thrashing around in his stomach. He knew that feeling. That beautiful burning warmth that glows up and down your back and explodes in your belly. He’d only felt it once before, in a cramped, over lit room with several onlookers and his tongue jammed into his best mate’s mouth. ‘Oh my god. Fuck. Fucking buggery arsehole fuck! This is what’s so wrong. This is why sex is such a disappointment. It’s an utter tepid ballsing failure because that’s not what I want. I don’t want Sophie between my thighs.’ He’d shrugged it off. Well shrugging makes it sound like a casual gesture. He’d wrestled and battled this demon off with his bare hands. Put it down to the stench of drugs and madness. It was Jeremy for god’s sake! It was Jezza and he was Mark and everything was wrong with that. ‘Well this is just confirmation isn’t it? That I’ve gone wrong. I’m broken, I must be!”

Jeremy’s mouth was once again just an inch from his own and Mark couldn’t resist pressing his thumb against the trembling lower lip. Jeremy blew gently. “I really do need you Mark. The same way you need me. I know it now. Please. This is what you want, not a lifetime of waking up next to a woman you don’t love” Jeremy was off on one of those rare speeches, the Insightful ones that made perfect sense. Everything had changed now, with one kiss. The intentions binding this one significant choice had shifted with cataclysmic gravitas, and Jeremy had summed it up without Mark even saying a word. He pressed his tongue against his best friend’s thumb, and observed the way the man’s dark eyelashes fluttered and his head bowed slightly. ‘I’m totally in there’ Jeremy leant forward again, with no hesitation or doubt as to how he would be received. ‘Oh yes!’ he thought in triumph, as Mark’s lips parted and he pulled him closer ‘I’m doing gay. I’m totally gaying it!’ His head felt like it was being fed a drip of warm vanilla sugar. Mark’s lips were like Sarah Lee chocolate cake and weed and soft squashy bosoms all it once. Mark was safety and comfort and Jeremy couldn’t live without him.

Jeremy felt a muffled groan against his lips, which jolted straight to his groin. ‘Ha, it’s time to show my superiority. Let’s give him something to groan about.” He shuffled forwards onto Mark’s lap so their crotches were pressing together, and slid his arms around his neck. He slipped his tongue further into his flatmate’s mouth soliciting another breathy moan. As much as he was trying to concentrate on reducing Mark to a shaking bundle of lust, he could feel himself slipping into the moment. He could feel Mark hardening beneath him and his desperate fingers holding his waist tightly. ‘Oh so I’M the woman. Great’

‘Ahah’ Mark could feel Jeremy’s reaction against his hard-on every time he let out a hum of pleasure‘So Jez is a Moan-a-phile then, just so happens I’m a moaner. This is how the world is split’ He thought in triumph. Jeremy took away his lips and brushed them along Mark’s jaw, leaving him free to speak.

“Oh Jez, what’s happening? Please tell me what this is?” He gasped as Jeremy nibbled and licked the sensitive skin under the older man’s ear, grasping the front of his shirt.

“This is love Corrigan” He mumbled into Marks neck, thrusting himself closer, drawing a shameless gasp of pleasure from the man underneath him. “Something you would know nothing about”

“So is this platonic-flatmate-best friend love?” Mark panted bucking his hips to meet Jeremy’s again. The taller man slid his hands from the front of his friend’s shirt to grip his arse tightly, holding him in that position and grinding slowly.

“What do you think?” His attempt at a sultry and alluring retort twisted midway into a whimper. He could feel the front of his pants becoming damp with arousal, and he was sure Mark was in a similar state.

“I think we’re fucked Jeremy. Everything is fucked. We’ve ruined everything” His anger was somehow apparent over his breathlessness. But hidden was his wonderment. This was what it had been; this unmentionable elephant in the room, causing awkwardness, resentment but most importantly, friendship. The tension had pushed them together. Somehow, the screaming of his sub-conscious had not even registered in his thoughts.

Both men could tell that this would not last, bright sparks of pleasure were trailing lazily between them, their mouths pressed together not in a kiss, but open and sharing laboured breaths.

“Well Fuck!” Came Mark’s resigned sigh, from somebody who knows that they have just screwed up big time but they know they can never do anything about it, as he pushed Jeremy firmly away.

“What’s the matter Mark? I thought you wanted me? Don’t you like this? Oh shit, what’s happened? Is there someone behind me? There’s someone behind me isn’t there?”

“Yes Jeremy, there is someone behind you.”

“Are we fucked Mark?”

“Yes Jeremy, we’re completely and utterly fucked.”


Jeremy leant back luxuriously on Mark’s bed. “This is it then mate. The big one. Life as we know it is over.”

“Thanks for that Jeremy; I wasn’t stressed enough at all. I just needed one more infuriatingly nonchalant comment regarding the mess that was my wedding day to really push me over the edge of despair.” Mark looked over at Jeremy from the edge of the bed. Despite the biting sarcasm in his voice his gaze was tender. ‘I think I might possibly be in love with this arrogant, juvenile, beautiful fuckwit.’ “You look unhappy Jez; you got what you wanted didn’t you?”

‘And everything I didn’t know I wanted’ “Believe it or not, none of this ‘gay’ stuff was part of the plan. It’s not that. It’s just… I know you Mark. You’re so prickly and frigid. You’re gonna freak out and fuck off and then I’ll be lonely and… I’ll miss you Mark.”

Mark felt frozen. He so badly, more than anything in the world, more than his life, wanted to reach out and hold Jeremy’s hand. He wanted to scream out, No I’ll never leave you Jez, I want you for ever, but his lips were glued into an awkward frown.

Jeremy sighed ‘I guess I’ll have to do the ‘Emotional’ stuff then’ He pulled his lover, so he was resting on top of him. Mark opened his mouth as if to speak and closed it uneasily. ‘I love you Mark Corrigan you cold hard self-conscious robot.’ “You don’t need to say anything Mark. You’re shit at words. Anyway, it’s all on your face. You’ve hopelessly fallen for me”

‘If you’re doing words I’m doing actions’ Mark leant down, and holding Jeremy’s face with one gentle hand, he planted a chaste and pretty kiss on his soul mate’s lips ‘you big headed self-assured wanker’

fic, rps, peep show, slash, mark/jez

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