Kind of a drive-by commenting here, but I just listened to this and I super enjoyed it. There aren't many places to find a video game discussion from the perspective of slasher. Dragon Age has been my favourite game to date, and I was really excited when I realized that my male mage could flirt with Fenris. (Yeah, I totally played those games out of order.) I'm just surprised you didn't mention Wade and Herren from DA:O and Awakening. They're super married. And I wish there was more fic for the Dragon Age fandom in general, but other than the kink meme there isn't really much out there.
Before listening I'd also just started playing Mass Effect. I'm half tempted to start over as MaleShep so I could try and romance Kaidan. Alas, I've put too much work into my FemShep and I just can't bring myself to abandon her. I too am awful at shooters and I'm having enough trouble getting a handle on that without starting over from the beginning. I might just YouTube all of the important bits.
After the Mass Effect games I intend to start on Assassin's Creed. That's enough slashy gaming to last me a while I think. Now I just got to figure out where work and a social life fit in there. Sleep is for the weak, apparently.
Before listening I'd also just started playing Mass Effect. I'm half tempted to start over as MaleShep so I could try and romance Kaidan. Alas, I've put too much work into my FemShep and I just can't bring myself to abandon her. I too am awful at shooters and I'm having enough trouble getting a handle on that without starting over from the beginning. I might just YouTube all of the important bits.
After the Mass Effect games I intend to start on Assassin's Creed. That's enough slashy gaming to last me a while I think. Now I just got to figure out where work and a social life fit in there. Sleep is for the weak, apparently.
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