Feb 13, 2003 19:43
HA. I took my first part of five for my GED diploma and feel real good about it. The test score you ask? Unfortunately I won't know until tomorrow, if not, next thursday when I take another part. Haven't decided which one yet. When I find out though I'll let you all know. Anyways, in order to pass each part I need to get a score of 410 or higher. Another thing that needs to happen is my total test score be 2,250, or an average of 450 or more. Any bets I won't pass? I'll take 'em all! The five parts of the "GED Battery" are as follows: Language Arts Reading (the one I took), Writing(which I HATE), Social Studies, Mathematics (my favorite{*sarcastic thought* I wonder why, hmmm... good it be, my ancestor! George Fredrick Burnhardt Riemann [yes our last name originally had two N's, but thats another story]}), and last but not least in any way Science (my second favorite). George Fredrick Burnhardt Riemann was a Mathmetician that introduced circles into Geometry, or something like that. Well, TTFN