Thank You Shawn!!!

Mar 30, 2010 13:07

Just a few of my ramblings on HBK's retirement!

So a bit like everyone else, I'm finding it hard to believe that Shawn is really gone. Having grown up watching him peform and entertain its going to be a rude shock knowing that he's gone from the ring for good. I remember saving like hell to buy Wrestlemania VII on video and his match as part of the Rockers just enthralled me. Even back then I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread!

Having fallen out of watching wrestling for a long time I came back to it to find that he was still here and still tearing the house down. After years of wanting to go and see wrestling live I finally went to the UK Raw taping last year and saw Shawn wrestle two matches. It might sound sad but it felt like a privilege and now, even more so as its probably the very last opportunity I'd have ever had to see him perform.

Last night, well it represented to me a lot of what is missing in the modern age of wrestling. Sure, we slash. Me, I slash Shawter as my OTP absolutely. It writes itself. However, that emotion, that depth of friendship and feeling between those two guys, well, if that isn't the true definition of love then I don't know what is. What Shawn said about Hunter always being by his side broke my heart, not just as a writer but as a fan of both men and everything they've achieved. The photo at the top was almost more tender to me than the kiss, a special moment of their friendship shared with us all <3

Now, this video, as a slasher made me feel kinda bad. I know its make believe but seeing Shawn with Rebecca made my heart melt. It was when I saw this that a little bit of my sadness about his leaving went away as it seems to me that its the right decision for him now.

And this, well I've never made a YouTube video, or in fact any video in my life. But something compelled me to do this and I posted in on YT before Mania. You might think it sucks and maybe it does but the words of the song seemed so apt, so fitting I just had to give it a go. (please note the misspelling etc is to avoid the YT police XD)

So basically, Shawn, thank you. I will miss you dearly and things won't ever quite seem the same. I hope your retirement brings you the peace and happiness that you so richly deserve. I will cherish my memories of watching you growing up, to seeing you live, to watching you move on.

So sad fangirl is sad. I miss him already and will for some time. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

HBK forever.

shawn michaels, retirement, wrestling, triple h, sadness, wwe

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