Chapter Eleven of LOVER'S MOON is ready!
TITLE: Lover’s Moon - Chapter 11 - Howling
AUTHOR: percivale
RATING: PG13 (alternate NC17 chapter)
CONTENT: Harry/Ron Slash, Angst, AU
SUMMARY: Harry, Ron and Hagrid retrieve Remus from St. Mungo’s, and struggle to settle him into the new room.
DISCLAIMER: The Harry Potter series and all the characters associated with it are the property solely of J. K. Rowling, her agents and publishers. No infringement of any rights is intended from the creation of this story. Nor is any money being made from it.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Lover's Moon is a Novel Length FanFic in the Harry/Ron SLASH genre. This is a Work in Progress, but I do release new chapters regularly. I am looking for Beta reviewers, and any comments at all would be welcomed. If you like what you read and want more, watch my LiveJournal page for regular updates...
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