(no subject)

Oct 05, 2004 11:51

First of all I want to say sorry! I was having problems with the white thing in front of me, that people use to call computer, you know...
I had some comments to answer, but had no time, so:

Thanks! All of you! The tips some of you gave me were really useful! :) About some mistakes,I'll ask you to let it go 'cause nor me or my beta are natives. Yeah, our language is not english..so...=D

Well, here it is...

# Title: Push Play

# Pairing: Pat/Seb; Pierre/David

# Rating: Definetely not NC-17, I can't write it...

# Summary: Pat's videos are always funny, but, what happens when one of his not funny videos go online by mistake?

# Notes: Second Chapter.



He put his last bag into the taxi, and looked back at the house. No one was out. Pat felt weird, empty. He entered the taxi and gave the address to the driver, closing the door and opening the window just a bit. He layed his head on the window and closed his eyes, feeling even more tired than before.

"Bad day, kid?" the driver asked .

"Yeah, a really bad one." Pat answered without opening his eyes.

"Wanna talk?" the driver asked again.

The last thing he wanted was to talk to a stranger about what he had done. But somehow, he started talking. He told everything, every little thing, every detail. When he finished, they had already got in his destination.

"Well, kid, I hope things work out." The driver said getting the money from Pat's hands.

"Thanks a lot." Pat said getting his things and closing the door. He watched the taxi disappear on the road, and walked to the door of the house in front of him. He knocked and waited. Silence. He knocked again. Silence again.

"They're on vacation." a tiny old woman said. She had white hair, glasses, and was carring a fat grey cat, with a big smile on her face.

"Vacation?" Pat asked. How they went on vacation without telling him?

"Yeah, they left two hours ago. Went to Vancouver." she said kindly. "Was it something important?"

"Uh, yeah. They're my parents, and... I came to stay with them for a few days..." he said looking at the house.

"Oh! Nice to meet you! Your parents talk about you, Patrick, right?" she said getting closer.

"Yeah, Patrick, that's me. " he said a bit more confident.

"Wait a second, they left the keys with me! I was going to feed the cats, you know..." she said walking back to her house.

"Cats? What cats?" he kept looking at the house. No sign of cats. Maybe the old lady was getting nuts. She came back, still holding the fat cat and some keys on her hands.

"Here," she said holding him the keys, "Pascal will be happy to have someone around." Pat got the keys, and opened the door slowly, still worried about the idea of cats in the house.

"Pascal? Who's Pascal?" he asked turning to the old lady.

"This is Pascal. Say 'hi' Pascal!" She said moving the fat cat's hand, like he was waving to Patrick.

"Mon Dieu..." Pat murmured when the cat let out a calm 'meow'. "Tell this Pascal cat is yours!"

"No, no! It's your mother's favorite cat!" she said, still with that dumb and, even though, kindy smile across her face.

"Oh, the favorite one, right..." he mumbled. If Pascal was the favorite one, it meant there were more cats in the house, wich meant he would have trouble. Everybody knew he was allergic, Everybody knew he loved dogs and hated cats. And he thought he knew his mom hated cats as much as him. It seemed like he had spent too much time away.

"Oh, get him! You'll love each other!" the old lady said handing him the fat cat. Pat looked at it like it was a big bomb about to explode right on his face.

"Uh, I don't think..." but before he could say anything, or tell her to keep the cat, Pascal was already on his arms.

"Oh! See? He loved you!"she said. Pat looked at the fat thing on his arms and made a face. The cat was no more happy than him, and was making weird noises, looking at him in a strange way.

"Yeah, he did. But I bet he enjoys freedom much more than my arms!" he said putting the cat down. "Uh, I forgot to ask you name..."

"Mrs. Boyaed. I live next door, so, anything you need, you can call me, ok?"

"Ok! Thanks a lot!" he said closing the door. He gave a deep sigh, looking down at Pascal. "What will I do about you?" The cat let out a 'meow' and ran to the kitchen. Or at least where the kitchen was, thing had changed somuch he didn't even know if the kitchen was there. He walked calmly to the couch, and sat there, letting the everything that happened in the morning be forgoten, for at least ten minutes, and he fell asleep. Tired, hurt and alone, for the first time (as he could remember) he was alone. No Pierre, no David, no Seb, no Jeff, no Chuck. Nobody.

And I still hating it! --"
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