(no subject)

Oct 04, 2004 23:12

Title: Some Lies
Rating: pg13
Pairing: David/Sebastien
Previous parts at my journal

Hmmph, this isn’t so good - I’m sorry! I just couldn’t get it the way I wanted to for some reason...I’ll try and improve on the next bit :]

Chapter Seven

February arrived, and with it came the band’s long-awaited tour. Sebastien was torn; he’d been looking forward to this for months, and now that they were finally out of the studio and ready to start playing shows, the excitement was really starting to kick in - but on the other hand, the thought of leaving Tom for so long had become pretty hard to bear, especially over the past few weeks. Neither of them had realized just how much they’d like living together - they’d both had so much fun since Seb moved in to the apartment. On the morning of their last day in Toronto, Sebastien didn’t know whether he was really happy or really upset, or maybe both at the same time. Tom, on the other hand, was just gutted. At first he made almost no attempt to disguise how upset he was, and spent a good few hours bemoaning the fact that he was going to be temporarily boyfriend-less for almost two months; this, however, soon led to an attack of the infamous Tom Douglas guilty conscience.

“It’s not that I’m not happy for you,” he fervently explained, as he helped Seb load the remainders of the group’s luggage onto the bus. “I am, Seb, really, because I know how much this means to you, and I really hope you have a good time and everything…” He broke off and shrugged, never taking his eyes from the ground. “I’m just gonna miss you.”

Seb hopped down from the bottom step of the bus, slid his hands around Tom’s waist, and kissed him. “I’m gonna miss you too,” he said softly. “But it’ll pass much quicker than you think.”

Tom looked unconvinced. “Two months is a long time,” he muttered. He didn’t point out that even when this tour was over, there would be many more to come, and then all sorts of promotional trips…he knew they were going to be apart for most of the next few years, at least. Neither of them wanted to think about that now - they were more concerned with getting through the next few weeks. Realizing that there was little more that he could say to make it easier for him, Seb kissed Tom’s lips again, a longer and slower kiss this time, and then hugged him, holding him as close as he could. Their brief stillness was broken by the sound of rough, hurried footsteps, and they broke apart as Pierre and Chuck crossed the courtyard to join them and the rest of the group at the bus.

“Are you ready to go?” Chuck asked, looking at Seb with an edgy expression; being the perfectionist that he was, he lived in fear of being late and had been itching to get going all morning. “I don’t want to, you know, rush you or anything, but if we don’t leave now we’re gonna be really far behind schedule, and if -”

“Chuck - just give me five minutes, okay?” Seb interrupted, slightly snappily. Chuck breathed a sigh of relief and muttered some hasty apology, then quickly jumped onto the bus to double-check that they hadn’t left any bags or equipment or cameramen behind. Pierre rolled his eyes as he watched him go, grinning in a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

“Take your time, Seb, we’ve got ages,” he murmured, as soon as his neurotic friend was safely out of earshot. Turning to Tom, he patted his back and said, “See you later, then, man - and don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on him for you.”

“Thanks, Pierre,” Tom said, laughing at the smug way in which Pierre smirked at Sebastien. “See you soon.”

Pierre followed Chuck onto the bus, bounding up the steps three at a time until he’d reached the second deck. Finding themselves alone again, Tom turned back to Seb and forced a stoical smile. “I guess this is it, then,” he mumbled.

“Just for a little while,” Seb reminded him. “I’ll be back before you know it.” Tom smiled again, that same sad, strained smile, and Sebastien quickly added, “You know, I don’t think you’ll even notice I’m gone, ‘cause I’m gonna call you about eighteen times a day.”

Tom laughed at that, and pulled him into another hug. “You’d better. I’m gonna miss you so much,” he sighed, muffling his words into his neck. He leant back, arms still linked around Seb’s neck, and pecked him a kiss on the lips. “Have fun. And be good,” he added, with just a hint of a warning in his tones. “I don’t want you kissing any cute band boys, Sebastien.”

“Of course not, Thomas,” Seb giggled, his eyes glinting. Tom raised his eyebrows, clearly unimpressed.

“Promise,” he demanded, prodding him in the stomach. “Please?”

Seb grinned and kissed him again. “I promise,” he said, crossing his heart with an expression of extreme gravity upon his face. Then, more sincerely, he added, “I wouldn’t even think about it, babe.”

“I know,” Tom said happily. “I was just kidding - you know I trust you, really.”

Seb smiled, but some part of his mind itched with guilt in the knowledge that he had thought about it, several times, and they’d been thoughts about kissing one cute band boy in particular. But, he reminded himself, they were never serious thoughts; they were curious thoughts, nothing else. He erased the prickling of his conscience by leaning in to kiss Tom again; their hands roamed around hips and waists as their lips touched, moving up and down in a perfect, steady rhythm and leaving a faint trail of tingles across their skin.

“Seb?” Their kiss was cut short by the sound of Chuck’s apprehensive voice. Seb spun around to see his bandmate leaning out of the doorway and leering at them with an angst-ridden expression upon his face. “Are you nearly ready? We’re supposed to leave in -”

“Chuck! Leave him alone!” Jeff barked, pulling him back by the shoulders. Seb rolled his eyes while Jeff struggled to drag a fiercely-protesting Chuck away again, and made a mental note to thank him when he got the chance.

“You should probably go. I don’t want to be responsible for giving your drummer a heart attack,” Tom muttered.

“It’d serve him right,” Seb replied tartly, and Tom laughed before they kissed again. “I’d really better get a move on, though,” he agreed, sighing with some reluctance as they pulled apart. He smiled softly, and touched the side of Tom’s face. “I’m so gonna miss you,” he murmured. Now it was actually time to leave him, he finally knew just how much he meant it. He hadn’t quite realized just how close he and Tom were before, nor how attached to each other they were. They had their friends, of course, but a few months apart were going to be pretty lonely nonetheless.

“I’m gonna miss you too,” Tom murmured. “But have a really great time, okay?”

“I will,” Seb assured him with a smile. He wrapped Tom up in another tight hug, and kissed the side of his head. “Don’t worry, baby, it won’t be long.”

“I hope not,” Tom murmured. “Can I call you tonight?”

“Sure,” Seb laughed. “I’ll call you, too.”

“Okay.” After another long hug, and another long kiss, Tom slid his fingers between Seb’s and squeezed his hands, smiling valiantly as his boyfriend took one step onto the bus. “Have fun, Seb.”

“I will. Love you, gorgeous.” Sebastien leant down and kissed his nose. “See you soon.”

“Okay, babe. I love you. Have fun. Call me!”

“I will!”

Tom jumped up onto the step so they were level again, fitting in one last kiss before they were force to separate. Then, reluctantly, he stepped back onto land and released his grasp on Sebastien’s hand, letting him disappear behind the door. Seb watched him and waved from the window as the huge bus slowly pulled out of the parking lot; Tom forced another of his sad smiles and dejectedly waved back until they could see each other no longer.

“About time!” shouted an exasperated voice. Seb turned around to find Chuck sitting at the table behind him, one hand holding a glass of water to his mouth and the other clamped to his forehead. “If you two are going to take that long to say goodbye every time we go somewhere, I think he should just come with us. He could be Patrick’s assistant or something. Not that he actually does any work to need assisting with, but it’ll save us a lot of time.”

“Chuck, I think you should go for a lie down,” David suggested, rolling his eyes while Sebastien muttered a few irritated profanities under his breath. Chuck finished his water and quietly complied, obediently trotting up the stairs to the higher deck of the bus. David smiled at Seb as he left and took a step towards him, then patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Seb sighed, as he sank into the nearest seat. “I’m just a bit worried about him.”

“Who, Chuck? Me too, man, I seriously think he needs some sort of psychiatric -”

“I meant Tom,” Seb laughed. “But you’re right - if Chuck carries on like this he’ll be dead by the end of the month.”

“That wouldn’t be such a bad thing,” David joked. “So what’s up with Tom, then? Upset about you leaving?”

“Yeah. He’s been in a bad mood all week,” Seb muttered. “He’ll be okay. He’s just sort of - well, he’s not clingy, but -” He broke off, thinking; he knew that though he was by no means the only important thing in Tom’s life - he had his course at college, which he loved, and he was always going to auditions, he had loads of friends and he spent a lot of time with his family - he knew he took first place, and Tom was actually quite dependant on him. After a moment, he shrugged and turned back to David. “I just think it’s going to be difficult, keeping a relationship going when we’re gonna be apart so much.”

“Yeah, but you’ll manage it,” David said softly. “I mean, you two are so...well, everyone wants what you two have, don’t they?”

“What do you mean?” Seb rested his chin on his fist and titled his head, looking across at David with a quizzical expression. David was silent for a moment, thoughtfully sucking on his lower lip as he pondered his answer. Seb smiled - he couldn’t help but notice how cute he looked when he did that.

“Well, I guess...it’s like, going out and meeting lots of people and having lots of sex is fun and everything,” David explained. “But I think what most people want is a relationship like yours and Tom’s...I mean, you two are so close, you know? I think everyone wants that...one person who they’re totally happy with. Someone who can they can trust...who’d never even look at another guy.”

He looked right at Sebastien, and for a fraction of a second, Seb could have sworn he saw something secret, something knowing, in those deep dark eyes. His throat tightened, and his stomach churned with nerves.

“I dunno, man, maybe I’m talking crap,” David continued with a shrug. “I just kinda...well, you’re lucky to have found that.”

Seb swallowed. He didn’t feel lucky. He felt guilty and lustful and nervous and confused. “Well, you’ll find it, too,” he mumbled, looking away as his cheeks began to burn. “Everybody does. I just...found it pretty young, I suppose.”

David didn’t reply; Sebastien waited a few moments before turning back to him, hoping that his face would have returned to its usual color. Dispelling all thoughts of Tom, of David and of love from his mind, he cheerfully added, “Anyway, what am I complaining about? We’re on tour, man!”

“Yeah - about fucking time too!” David laughed. “This is gonna be awesome.”

Seb grinned, knowing he was right - it was going to be amazing, and he’d looked forward to it for ages. Right now he should be enjoying himself; he could worry about the impact his absence would have on Tom later.
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