Yesterday it was brought to my attention that they layout was not working for some of you. Being perfectly honest, I have no idea why that started happening. It appears that the cause is there's an error in the coding that makes the layout not work, unless you're using the Mozilla Firefox browser (which automatically fixes the error because Firefox is the shit). I tested on my Safari browser (I use a Macintosh), and the layout doesn't work there, either. I've been told IE browsers present the same problem.
To comply with this, I took down the fancy layout for the time being and set the community on a default Generator layout. (I will attempt to slashify it in just a little while.) This layout will, of course, only be temporary until the beginning of February when we decide what the new layout should be. Considering we were planning on a new layout anyway, I don't consider this random problem much of a concern.
The Self Titled Layout Challenge has officially started! Refer back to
this post to read about it and I hope to see plenty of entries coming from you guys! Tip: CrossXpost your submissions into other appropriate communities such as
slashypunkboys and
pxd_addiction the next generation
hott_baguettes to help spread the word.)
Just keeping you all updated!