Title:Operation: Talent show
Author: -points to self- me! Jinx!
Chapter: Three
Pairing: David/Chuck (eventually), Sebastien/Billy, little bit of David/Pattrick
disclaimer: The usual, don't know, don't own, never happened. You know the drill.
Rating: uhhhhh dunno
Summary: For one group of boys, this years warped tour was going to be a roller coaster ride, one that they will never forget.
AN: sorry about the shortness of this chapter. Thanks to everyone who commented, it means alot. special thanks to
csibandslashfan for being my Beta :D
http://community.livejournal.com/slashypunkboys/3593909.html#cutid1 http://community.livejournal.com/slashypunkboys/3594608.html#cutid1 http://community.livejournal.com/slashypunkboys/3598470.html#cutid1 Chapter 3: Chuck's p.o.v
After what felt like about five minutes, I felt small arms wrap around my waste and a head laying on my sholder. David, I sighed and lifted my head out of my hands, resting it atop the blond spikey head.
"Are you okay Chuckles?"
David's voice sounded so inocent I couldn't help but smile. Normaly I would make a big deal about somebody calling me Chuckles, I hated it when people called me it, David always got away with it though.
"Yeah Davey, I'm fine"
"You sure?"
He lifted his head to look me in the eyes and suddenly I got a fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach. What the hell? Since when did David make me feel like this? But his eyes...
I realised I must have been staring, and felt my face begin to heat up, he must have noticed since he stroked my forehead with the palm of his hand. Such soft hands...
He smiled at me softly, but I could see longing in his eyes, longing and sadness, so much sadness...
"What about you David? You always seem kind of...down lately."
Once again, he smiled his soft, sad eyed smile sitting up straight, moving away from me slightly and taking his arms from around my waist. I could almost hear the little voice in the back of my head protest at not having David wrapped around me anymore... wait, wait, wait, what?!
"Listen Chuck I-"
"Hey guys have you been outside today? Look at this!"
Patrick ran into the bus excitedly, God I hope he hadn't been stealing David's suger stash again. He was waving a flyer around. Before I had time to react I had a lap full of Patrick, beaming at me and still waving around the brightly coloured paper.
"Well give it here so that I can actually see it!"
I snatched it from his grasp and attempted to read it. Shit, forgot to put my glasses on this morning, how did I survive this long withough killing myself?
I felt my glasses placed softly upon my face and I turned, smiling appreciativly at David before going on to read the flyer.