- I have been downloading music illegally. But not pop songs that I really, really like, mostly strange albums no one has heard of but recommended by
this guy (he's the brother of
miss_begonia, who's this really prolific writer in fandom), so I figured that, if I don't actually like the songs before I listen to them, it's alright if I download them illegally.
Beacons Of Ancestorship by Tortoise (about midway down the page? After Octopus) made my head hurt a lot. I kind of like it (it's pure instrumental, no words) but this throbbing headache started festering after the second track /: That may have been cue to stop listening to it.
this made me sad. (ellipsis) is actually a blog Suzie recced me, and it was this girl's beautifully rendered thoughts about her lover, and a few months back I stopped visiting it because I forgot the URL and only today did I realize that I had it bookmarked, and I went, and realized that they broke up two weeks ago. It is a little strange, yeah, for me to be upset for someone I don't even know, but following her updates has felt somewhat like following their relationships, and her words described their lives really intimately; I actually felt a bit like dropping her an email to say - I'm not exactly sure what. She has
this now.
i will remember her:
studying for an exam for class the next day. i sat behind her, straddled around her hips, her shoulderblades in my cheek, i waited. i got bored. i got a sharpie, she took her shirt off and let me draw on her back while she worked. i gave her wings, i gave her words, i loved her then as i always had. but in secret. i was wearing a To Write Love on Her Arms shirt that wound up on the floor. the sweat of us, the sex of us, left the sharpie all over her couch and reminded us in the morning.
I guess without knowing either of them it felt like theirs was a relationship that would last, but I went back to see and her oldest entry was only Feb this year, and so it's been only six months, just half a year of the blog, a year's relationship apparently. It's - odd, a lot like Panic break-up, and apparently there're rumours about FOB too, and the thing about seeing personas is that they feel concrete, eternal, and it's often very easy, subconscious, to forget that they are people with lives too. Not just personas, actually; anybody besides yourself, I think.
I always feel like a loser at home. I finished my Lit FA earlier, with my Panic playlist played just once (around 59 minutes), so that's one accomplishment to show for this weekend. Excluding a half-hearted attempt at math. I'm tired of feeling inferior when I don't spend every waking amount of my life doing homework/finishing a project/being Useful/checking something off my To-Do list, and when I sleep past 12 pm, heck, even 9 am, and when I go to bed at 10 pm because I can. If I want to do it, then I will, right, and if I don't, then I shouldn't feel bad about it AS LONG AS I AM HAPPY rawr what a useless rant.
Supernatural just gets better and better with each episode, I swear. Isn't that physically impossible?
Also, I'm not exactly sure how to use Tumblr O: