So this is the end of Week 1 of 2009, and after four days of school (I don't even think Wednesday counts, but it doesn't matter), I feel sixteen, sixteen and sec four and exhausted, as though I've been through a month with my nose held to the grindstone, stress a million hardcover backs balanced precariously on my head.
Okay, I promised this would be a lighthearted post, so I will talk about some (vaguely) happy things:
French today, for example, was so brilliantly inspiring that it pulled me right out of the rut I was in since French last year; during lunch today, I actually floated the possibility of quitting it to Weiqing, despite my previous avowals that to quit French after two, three, even one year was a stupid move, because my interest had waned to the point of existence. I'd actually made up my mind to take French as a third language since P4, once I knew that it was possible, so that is a Serious Development. My French teacher, Christelle Fournier, however, is a fantastic teacher, honestly. First off, she teaches us nearly entirely in French, only breaking into English to settle a few important administrative points, and she has a very clear way of explanation, accompanied by gestures and intonation, to help us understand her. Plus, she taught us French from a French song today! So today was pretty much an exciting French lesson, and the three hours practically flew by (even though we were late by 20 minutes due to the MOELC bus).
It does mean, however, that I will need to be serious about French this year, especially orally and aurally, because I need to really participate in class; proficiency in writing won't cut it this year, and I will also need the vocabulary, since Ms Fournier told us that they won't be testing us on grammar anymore. Also, my class is incredibly, intimidatingly smart, especially orally, which is primarily a good thing, except for the whole intimidating part, but I'm just grateful that there are people I know (: Also, I should actually aim to apply to French immersion this year, since the History France trip is cancelled - therefore, I'm thinking about getting a tutor! (Preferably French, and hot, and young...) Seriously, though, I need the oral practice.
I have realised that RGS (finally) gets serious about academics in Sec Four, at least for our class, and in traditionally deemed important subjects (i.e., math and the sciences) and HCL as the only O-level exam subject, because all of a sudden we have good, efficient teachers, who, while not exciting or particularly inspiring, can teach and thus ensure that we do not fail our final year terribly (contingent upon our own efforts, naturally, but to a lesser extent than last year, when we were just left to flounder): Math, Biology, Chemistry and Chinese are explicit cases in point, while Literature is, too, since we did get Picca, while the school's mindset in not assigning Sakhar or Yeo Suling to RALA is obviously based on the assumption that the Lit RA girls do not need further help in their studies. Still, if they have decent teachers for all levels, and give us a firm foundation to build upon, they would not need to panic thusly in Sec Four, n'est pas?
Anyway, I am beyond relieved it is the weekend, because I have a ton of things that needs to be done, both academic and personal, and also because Saturday morning is my designated sleep-in time, so I may actually get a two-digit number of hours of sleep tonight.