Author : Black Goddess
Title : Ambition
Pairing : Percy/Lucius
Rating : g
Word Count: I'm afraid it's 369 :S
Scenario: Why Percy really went bad, and ignored his family for oh-so long.
Ambition. It was a funny word, Percy thought to himself as he sat in his small flat, trying to catch up on some of his paperwork. He wondered idly how it had become recognised that he was ambitious. He was of course, unashamedly so, but still... He wasn't even sure that he thought of it as ambition exactly, more like... organisation. Or confidence, perhaps. He knew what he wanted, that's true, but didn't everyone? And what was the point in knowing what he wanted if he didn't plan how to get it? He frowned slightly as he wondered once again whether he had made the right decision.
It had begun the day his father had that fight with Lucius Malfoy in the bookshop, at the very beginning of his sixth year. He had been so humiliated; his father brawling in public and with a powerful man like Lucius Malfoy too. He had brooded on it all evening, thinking about what Lucius must think, and eventually he had gone to speak to him about it. Everyone knew where the Malfoys stayed when they were in London, and he had slipped quietly out of his room and made his way there. Gaining admittance had been surprisingly easy, and it had taken every bit of his resolve to face Mr Malfoy but he had done it. He had drawn himself up to his full height, so tall he could almost look Mr Malfoy in the eye, and told him that he deeply regretted the actions of his father and he hoped that Mr Malfoy wouldn’t judge the whole family by him. Lucius had looked at him thoughtfully and said that he was sure that he wouldn’t. Something had passed between them then, and Percy had known that he would see more of Mr Malfoy in the future and that the pursuit of one overriding ambition did require some sacrifices.
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Percy stood up and took the only photograph of his family he possessed out of the drawer where he kept it. He looked at it for a long time, and then put it back before going to search for his painkillers. Some sores shouldn’t be treated with magic.