Lacerated Sky Chp 7 & 8, NC-17, #89 Found

Feb 16, 2009 18:48

Title: Lacerated Sky Chp 7: Surrender
Lacerated Sky Chp 8: Jessica is Burning
Author: sailorhathor
Claim: Dean Winchester of Supernatural
Prompt: #89 Found
Rating: NC-17. Pairings - Sam/Dean UST, brief Dean/OFC's, & Sam/Lenore/Dean
Word Count: Chp 7 - 4,593; Chp 8 - 5,270
Simpsons Ref Summary: Sam is turned into a vampire... with sexy results!
Serious Summary: The vampire stalking Dean, Sam, and Lenore steps up her game, forcing Sam and Lenore to make a difficult decision. Sam becomes seriously ill, so Dean and Lenore cook up a dangerous plan to save him.
Warning: AU. Incestuous overtones, graphic sex, bad language, and vampirism/blood drinking. Contains spoilers for several episodes, especially the second season up to "Bloodlust."
Author's Notes: I'm sorry it's been such a long time since my last chapter; RL got out of hand. Time go zoom.
Told from Dean's POV.
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