Title: Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
drwormFandom: Actor!slash
Pairing: Crispin Glover/Sam Rockwell
Rating: PG-13
Team: Camouflage
“Well? What do you think?” Faint electric-green reflections stained his pale face as he raised his glass. Sam laced his fingers together and raised an eyebrow.
“About the drink?” Crispin shook his head.
“No, no, no. Yes. I don’t know.” He took a large swallow of the liquor and grimaced. “I mean, are we going to tell people?”
Sam shrugged. “Doesn’t everyone already think you’re a fag?”
Crispin sighed. “I’m going to have to double up on the Playboy bunnies, aren’t I?”
Sam laughed through a Wormwood-induced haze and tipped Crispin’s chin up for a kiss. “Whatever makes you happy.”