Mar 31, 2006 23:37
My friend Teresa who I work with, has been breeding and showing schnauzers for ages. Normally I rag on breeders 'coz they suck, but Teresa's bred champions, and this dog is going to be one too, I'll bet on it. She's just gorgeous, very classic looking. Since T brings her to work every night, I've been able to watch her grow...I think she's really going to be something.
So tomorrow is her first show, and a bunch of us from work are going up to Claremore to watch her show. :-) Jason is driving, 'coz he's wonderful, and his mom is going along to look at the dogs. There are 1,200 dogs registered for this show!
Then Saturday night is Contra dance, which will be a lot of fun as always.
Sunday is Rocky rehearsal, then Riverdance!!!!! I'm so excited! After that, Night Trips is having an all guy revue and the girls at work are talking about going...I'd go just to see T blush. :-P We'll see if we feel up to it after the sister will be pretty overtired from working all weekend.
I meant to go to bed early (I woke up four hours after I went to bed this morning after a 14hr overnight shift), but wound up watching House and now some crime show that I got sucked into before I got around to shutting everything down.
I'll be heading to bed soon though...Jason's mom and brother are coming over at 10 for breakfast and dog walkies. He's hoping that they'll fall in love with Sherwood and adopt him. I think they'd be a good home for him, but will be put off by his size. We shall see.