Divorce party last night, much yummy Indian food and gallons of chai were consumed. Punjabi lamb is sooooo good.
Sherwood has an application in to be adopted by a woman in Chicago; we're currently doing her vet check and home check. She seems like a good one; has owned 'Houla before.
It looks like Hula the Aussie will be going to the Humane Society of Tulsa, which is a relief...she's sweet, but we are totally out of room. They are a good no-kill rescue, and she should get adopted fairly quickly; she's a striking dog with those blue eyes and she has such a joyful personality.
Got to visit Geoffrey at Jason's mom's house last night; he's getting quite....solid. Definitely not starving, that one. He seems to be very content though. Jason's mom is ready to start looking for a new dog...I'm trying to steer her away from terrier types, but I'm not sure it's working. I think she really ought to meet a whippet. That would be such a good breed for her.
Ott0 visted Monday and Tuesday, and we went to the zoo with my seester and another friend. It was good to see him again, despite the general relationship awkwardness resulting from his brief marriage to my sister. The zoo animals were being generally cooperative, and one of the jays in the rainforest was downright pushy and landed on the friend's head.
The peach tree appears to be doing well so far...it's made a few blooms, which I don't expect to live, and is starting to leaf out. I pruned it so agressively that I was a bit worried. The rosebush I planted at the mailbox last year is waking up and unrolling leaves as well. We're discussing planting a (very short) avenue of redbuds along the driveway. We'd both like to see more shade on the yard, but I'm not sure what the best way to go about that is. I'm leery of planting anything that will get too tall, what with the numerous windstorms they have around here. And I like redbuds rather a lot...they have such attractively twisted limbs.
So there you have it. :-) A very quiet week. Today is cold and rainy, so I'm not sure how much dog walkies will be happening. Jason got up insanely early, but has now gone back to bed and I think I may join him.