CHARACTER NAME: Keiko Yukimura
Backtagging: Always
Threadhopping: For sure
Fourthwalling: Eh, go ahead.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Yes
Hugging this character: Sure
Kissing this character: Only if you're her man, otherwise you can try. But then she'll beat you
Flirting with this character: You can try, but she won't like it
Fighting with this character: You can, but she's not much of a fighter
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Yes, but I'd rather she not have limbs removed or the like. With any major injuries talk to me first
Killing this character: Not unless you have a really interesting plot to go with it, aka talk to me first
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: sure, she has no defenses
Warnings: Ummm, if you do something terrible to her, she knows strong people?
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