Oct 03, 2005 18:54
from the AP....
High Court Nominee Loyal but Inexperienced
WASHINGTON - President Bush named White House counsel Harriet Miers to a Supreme Court in transition Monday, turning to a longtime loyalist without experience as a judge or publicly known views on abortion to succeed Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Miers "will strictly interpret our Constitution and laws. She will not legislate from the bench," the president said as the 60-year-old former private attorney and keeper of campaign secrets stood nearby in the Oval Office.
Ah yes....delightful! We will just skip those pesky paper trails and "voting records" so that nobody knows how she'll act! And even better, we have W's word that she will be on the up and up, so everything must be ok.
This is some world class douchery if you ask me.
For the record, I didn't like Roberts but if I had been a Senator I wouldn't have voted against him either since he seems competent and while his views differ from mine, he seems to be able to seperate law and opinion.