Oct 04, 2006 11:33
i keep forgetting that one of the downsides to having a basement apartment is the propensity, and sheer heightened probability, for creepy-crawlies to make their homes inside mine.
Now, i don't mind centipedes or millipedes; they're gross, and can get big, but they're pretty easy to deal with (thankfully, i haven't had any at my new place). Flies are normal-no big whoop. Fleas are problematic, but kill-off-able.
But eight-legged freaks? Nope, no can do. Not in my bathroom, not on my carpet, not on my walls, and NEVER in my bedroom. EVER.
i canNOT appreciate an eight-legged freak half the size of my hand crawling out from under my toilet, scurrying out of the bathroom, and being camouflage with the carpet. i do NOT appreciate when i can't tell where it's gone, and will thereafter be twigged out by walking through my apartment without shoes, or by sitting on my furniture. i reFUSE to go to bed having to check the entire bedroom, and most especially my bed, for the existence of said creature.
With any luck, it has gone under the fridge, and will die there.
p.s. i'm officially hired at the office job! Woot!!