Aug 24, 2006 21:02
i have TWO, count 'em, TWO jobs now!! YAYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYY!!! *jumps up and down, claps hands in glee*
*busts a monkey dance move repeatedly*
i start the day job on the fifth, and i start Hess on Sunday. Woot!! So next week is my last week of day-job freedom, and this weekend (which starts tonight) is my last weekend of total freedom. i'm making people celebrate (the clubbin' peeps) with me either this weekend or i'll host a party next week, dunno yet. But the REAL party starts tonight!! Woot! And hell, after LAST Thursday, i NEED a REAL fuckin' weekend!! Sheeiit. heh.
i'm psyched. i'm pumped. i'm stoked. Like, totally. Word.
AND i bought more glowsticks for this weekend, so that kicks ass too. Those that know me & my hyperactivity when i'm nothing more or less than a complete ball of energy, just picture ALL of my wierd little moves and sounds, and you'll know what i'm doing right this moment.
Say it with me, y'all!!