Oct 25, 2004 11:03
I think I'm actually emerging with something resembling a life! LOL. I'm on holiday and I've actually got people to see and places to go! How I still find time to be bored and therefore come online to see if I have any friends (only one email - bleh) I don't know.
Driving lesson in 10 minutes. It'll be my third one. I'm really enjoying it actually, it isn't half as scary as I thought it was going to be.. I have moments when I think... bloody hell... you REALLY want me to go now? There's two cars coming in the opposite direction!! I've still got the irrational fear of cars. Comes from being a pedestrian for so long I reckon. But yeah, I'm not really jittery at the wheel, during those moments adrenaline seems to take over... either that or my instructor does :)
I've got to remember my starting and stopping drills:
D Door
S Seat
S Seatbelt
M Mirror
P Prepare
O Observe
M Manuover? Move
M Mirror
S Signal
M Move
Think I've got it now...
When I come back I've got to pretend to be a domestic goddess.. tuna pasta bake it is then :)