i'm alive~!!!

Aug 08, 2013 21:06

Howdy:))) LOL

When was the last time since my last post?? Was it 2 weeks ago??:)

Sorry for all the unreplied messages. I'm just too lazy to reply to them during weekdays because the only time i have for myself (flailing) is when i'm already home from office. That's approximately 3-4 hours. And i have all the time during weekends. Unless my family decided to go out.

I might not be active in terms of posting, but i'm pretty active in reading daily updates here in lj.

And i'm currently flailing to the news that ryo nishikido would have a new drama every tuesday at 10pm in fuji tv. I'm looking forward to it. I wanted to see how he's going to be a fake fortune teller.

Please allow me to flail over 3 things..
1. my jins glasses are already under my care. Although, it's not airframe, i still love it. :)
2. I saw pics of the johnnys film festa pamplet. And of course i flailed over toma :)) and i think i saw the revival of sammy:)))) let's just hope that je will make a dvd release of this.
3. I flailed over this years arafes goods. I saw the previews and i love most of them. Aiba-chan's really a genious:)

And have you heard the rumor circulating in tumblr that hna will revive this coming october?? A friend of mine told me about this. But i don't think this will happen.

Btw, you can get the new cm of jins pc (kageyama version), updated 45s cm of jcb (daruma doll) and new nissan cm (jun, nino, ohno) at je_symdrome. But i'll also post the dl links here. But it might take a few days:)

But before i take my leave, can i just flail over this guy???:)

credits to butteryugi @ tumblr

Apparently, he's really smexy in this movie!! I can;t wait for the dvd release!!!:)

Oh and since it's a long weekend, i might consider posting the translation of kattun's face to face pv making of. I was planning to sub it but timing it is very time consuming though.. :|

random flailing, arashi, ikuta toma, real life, kat-tun

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