new cm for oh-chan????
have you seen the pictures?? click
see for yourself:)
he really looks like a girl:)
i know it's hilarious:) at first, i thought i was photoshopped, until one good soul posted in aramatheydidnt that it's real ^___^
can't wait!! i really bet it's another priceless cm from oh-chanXD
ohhh.. have you seen kame with his silver hair:)) even though it's a wig:) he looks so.......
credits to jone_records and kal for the video:)
ohno = cutest monster
kame = most handsome monster XD
right right???
i just can't wait for this ^___^
ohhh.. here's another one..
isn't he cute and adorable???
sho isn't around again.. XD
this new kirin cm is so cute!!:) i want to have a gif of nino and ohno in those screencapsXD
i'm ready for johhny's jr land:) can't wait for kento!!! hahahahah=))
kento as one of the main host with fuma!!! hahaha yosha~~!! ^^.
i just love the web layout!!! ^___^
**this is the power of printscreen!!! ^_____^ hahahaha
here's the
official website:)