Fate, choices, and stupid questions

Mar 09, 2009 02:22

I don't think we were ever free.
We were never even given a choice, at the exact moment of our conception, whether to exist or not.
Even our very existence is founded on a compromise of our freedom. On a choice that somebody or something else had to make for us.
Life was just brought upon us.

...and what if I had the power to decide over that choice?
I'd still choose to exist, of course.

It's a really stupid question, actually.
A choice of choosing between life, and absolutely nothing.
Of course I'd choose life. It's the only thing we'll ever really have, no matter how hard it can kick us in the ass sometimes.
Why would I want absolutely nothing?


What a stupid question, Aly.


Nostalgia hurts.

I wish there was a way to know exactly how things would've turned out to be had I made a different choice.
(Not that I regret anything.)

What happened, happened.
There are no should'ves, would'ves, or could'ves.
Everything that is outside of what has taken place is mere fantasy. Fiction. A fragment of one's imagination.

Even intelligent literature and other forms of media involving time travel don't support the idea of changing how things turned out to be.

I think I do believe in fate.
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